Rank Dividend Growth Split Corp Preferreds https://canadianpreferredshares.ca/rank-dividend-growth-split-corp-preferreds/

Rank Dividend Growth Split Corp Preferreds

This compare tool allows you to Rank Dividend Growth Split Corp Preferreds, based on the latest stock information available. Our goal is to provide you with the information and metrics related to the Dividend Growth Split Corp preferreds. Your goal is to establish which preferred will provide you the best returns. If you are buying today, these tools will expedite and aid the selection process. Given all the data available here, an informed decision is within reach.

In a market with low volumes you can use this information to identify mispriced shares. Since all preferreds belong to the same issuer, the risk is the same for all of them.

Dividend Growth Split Corp Brief Overview

Visit the Dividend Growth Split Corp company website to see the preferred share prospectus, news and other information.

Sector: Split Share
Main Features of this Spit Share Instrument:

  1. Dividend Growth Split Corp. is an Instrument investing in Large-cap portfolio of primarily Canadian equities with high dividend growth rates and high current yields
  2. Dividend growth companies have historically outperformed the broad index
  3. Preferrreds: 5-year term, subject to extension for periods of up to five years, as determined by the board of directors
  4. Preferrreds: Quarterly cumulative preferred distributions (primarily eligible Canadian dividends)
  5. Preferrreds: Dividend resets at end-of-term extension, based on comparable market yields, without complicated reset formulas
  6. Preferrreds: Shareholders option to redeem at end-of-term, with no restrictions.

Dividend Growth Split Corp offers two type of shares,

  1. Class A shares that pay monthly distributions representing a yield of 0%(Jan 03, 2021) per annum on the issue price
  2. Preferred shares that pay a quarterly distribution representing a yield of 5.29% per annum on the issue price of $10.00

The latest information and statistics on their common stock DGS, can be easily accessed using websites like TMX Money.

Dividend Payment Schedule: 2025MAR13 , 2025JUN12 , 2025SEP15 , 2025DEC14

Ex Dividend Date Schedule: 2025FEB27 , 2025MAY28 , 2025AUG28 , 2025NOV28


Dividend Growth Split Corp Preferred share Credit Ratings

The latest preferred share credit ratings for Dividend Growth Split Corp are listed in the table below. For additional information on credit rating agencies and codes see our article Credit Rating Symbols.

A.M. Best FITCH S&P DBRS S&P Global Moody's


Rank Dividend Growth Split Corp Preferreds - Compare Tool.

If you need more information on how to use the metrics below, watch our video Introduction to Compare Tools or see our post how to pick the best preferred share of a company

NOTE: Dividend dates are not fixed. The dates shown here are estimated and most likely a few days off. Do not make trades based on these dates. Always check with the issuer for the correct dates.

The following metrics are now only available on the premium version of this tool:

  1. Reset Date.
  2. Reset (Yield | Dividend). Represents the yield and dividend for the current issue after the upcoming reset. For this calculation it’s assumed the key rates are going to be the same as todays published rates. The reset yield is the sum of the key rate for the base term (5YR, 3Month, etc) plus the published spread. Since we do not know what the key rate will be at the time of the reset we assume its going to be the same as today. The ability to use a different set of rates during this caclulation is planned for a future release.
  3. Blended (Yield | Dividend).
  4. Rate Change Percent.
  5. Rate Change To Value.
  6. New Spread Change. It shows the effect or the current price on the issue spread of the preferred. It shows the percent increase/decrease of the new spread
  7. New Spread Value.
  8. Short Position.
  9. Additional Features.
  10. Years To Double Initial Investment. How many years will it take for the initial investment to double.
  11. Outstanding float.
  12. Market Cap In Bilions.
  13. Common Stock P/E Ratio.
  14. Common Stock P/B Ratio.
  15. Common Stock Yield.
(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Feb-14 16:36, Model Metrics 2025-Feb-14 17:01
SymbolPrice52W High52W Low
Fixed Rate Baseyield and dividend for the current issue based on last night’s closing stock price
Current (Yield Dividend)Name
DGS-A DGS.PR.A CA25537Y2033 $11.00$11.09$9.88SPLIT SHARE + 5.29%05.00% $0.5500Dividend_Growth_Split_Corp._5.29%
Rank E Split Corp Preferreds - https://canadianpreferredshares.ca/

Additional Information

Continue to Rank Dividend Growth Split Corp Preferreds  page 2 of 3 where you can find

  1. Graph of all preferred share yields
  2. Propsectus Information