Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible that there are errors in the data?
Yes, data errors are possible. If you notice any errors we would greatly appreciate if you let us know – it would make this website better for everyone.
What time are prices updated daily?
On the Premium site: The earliest would be a half hour after the market closes. Most often between 6:30pm and 7:30pm.
You can also check the timestamp just above each table:

Update Timestamp
How often do you update the credit rating ?
We review the credit ratings yearly and update if ratings have changed.
Where does your data come from?
We base our calculations on the data we receive from Google Finance. We don’t verify individual prices as we’ve never had any issues.
Why can't I find the preferred share that I currently hold?
Our system will not track preferred shares with credit rating lower than PFD-3L; preferred shares issued in US dollars; and preferred shares with a face value other than $25.
What's the best share to purchase for a long term, steady dividend income?
We are not financial advisors, nor do we provide financial advice. We can only provide you with the data, to help you figure out the best investment for yourself.
What are the definitions of the fields in your tables, and how are they calculated?
Please see our Table Column Definitions page to find definitions of all the column used in our ranking tables.
I was wondering if you could include a tool to sort preferred by price?
All columns on all tables and lists are sortable. Just click on the Column title and the table gets sorted by the values on that column.
Is there a method where I can list all the preferred shares by their reset dates sorted from most recent to farthest away?
You can sort any list containing resets on column “Reset Date Y/M/D”. Just click on the column heading. This list should provide you with all info you need.
Is there a quick reference point for each securities tax status?
There is a column in the table called Additional Features. It’s described in more detail on this page:
There is the DTCEPI code. If you see this code in the Additional Features column, then it may be partially eligible or it may not be eligible at all. If you don’t see the code in this column then it is 100% eligible for the dividend tax credit. You can use this column to determine whether you should hold it in your Registered or Non-registered account. For the most optimal allocation, hold DTCEPI securities within registered accounts, and non-DTCEPI outside registered accounts.
Why do you provide data analytics for only 3 ETF's?
CPD, ZPR and PREF the only ETF’s that publicize their holdings. They provide a list of security and units held. We have looked into other ETF’s but they don’t make this information public.
How do I set up my Portfolio?
First you must register for a user ID. When your account has been approved, log in and navigate to the Portfolio page. Add an account, and then add holdings in that account. A step-by-step guide can be found in the following video: “How to Set Up Your Portfolio“.
What type of reports will I be able to get if I set up my Portfolio?
You will be able to see Data Analytics at the Portfolio level, at the Registered Group level, TFSA Group level and Investment Group level. Within those group you will be able to see data by Issuer, by Credit Rating, by Share Type, and your Dividend Information. A sample account’s reports can be found in this video: “Quick Overview of New Portfolio Feature“.
Can I transfer my Portfolio contents from the free site to the premium site?
At this time, this functionality does not exist. You will have to re-create your Portfolio on the premium site.
Portfolio message: "Account Level Report type 0 not found. Try again tomorrow."
If you see this message, it means it’s the first day you’ve set up your portfolio and there are no reports yet. The data analytics reports and stats are part of the offline system. We run a batch process once every day (Monday – Friday) some time after the the TSE closes. Once this process is completed the reports are uploaded to the website and you can view them.
Changes made to the holding on my account(s) do not reflect on the portfolio level
The portfolio is only updated ONCE a day based on the holding of each account at that point in time.
Any changes made to account holding after the portfolio process is run will not be reflected on the portfolio until after the next day’s run.
You can change the holdings at any time which is reflected at the specific account level. The changes to the account holdings though will only reflect on the porfolio after the next scheduled run.
The next day, after the prortfolio process is run, you will see the updates you made to the holdings reflecting on the portfolio level.
Premium Site
I can't decided whether I should join the Premium site.
Stay on the free site for a few months to get a feel for how it can benefit you. If it’s helpful and you appreciate our content, then sign up for the Premium site. If you’re happy on the free site, we’re happy to have you using it.
How much does access to the Premium site cost? What do I get?
Please take a look at our Support Page – this contains the details of what the Premium site contains.
Your company name is different when I send PayPal payment - Is this correct?
SIAMALEKAS GAME BUILDERS INC. is the official owner of this website. The PayPal account is set up under this name.
Can I make a payment with my credit card and not PayPal?
On the Support page, click on the Contribute Now button. You’ll then see the paypal screen. There’s a grey button near the bottome that says ‘Pay with Debit or Credit Card’. Click on that and you’ll be prompted for your credit card details.
I made a payment for access to the Premium website but I haven't not yet received any details.
The details for the Premium site are sent to the email you used with the subscription. Please check that email, including the Spam, Junk, and Promotions folders. If you still don’t see anything after 24 hours, please send an email to