Rate Reset Scenarios For Preferred Shares

Using these tables you can compare of all Canadian 5 Year Reset Preferred Shares.  There is large number of 5 Year Resets, therefore we have each table on it’s own page. Follow the link after the table to see the “Rank 5 Year Reset Preferred Shares By Yield”. The resets included here are from all market sections, like BankingUtilitiesTelecom, etc. We present the information in an easy, to view and understand format. As a result you can pick the right share to purchase or sell.


Compare Process – Rate Reset Scenarios For Preferred Shares

Each investor has a unique selection process. Consequently the same metric is viewed differently. That is to say, the weight assigned to the metric differs for each investor, thus resulting in a dissimilar selection.

  1. Some investors, looking for high yield over the next 5 years, will put more emphasis on the “Blended Yield” metric. As a result, the issue with the most dividend over the next 5 years is selected.
  2. More weight should be given to the “Credit Rating” metric, if you are looking for the highest credit worthy issues. That is to say, sacrificing some yield for security, is a good fit for the long term and “buy and hold” investors.
  3. Good value is indicated by the metric “Rate Increase Percent”.  This also highlights the stocks with the most room for capital gains, if rates start going up. A value investor may find this appealing.


We expect each investor, to review the various metrics, and make a determination on the totality of their values. While at the same time expressing their personal investing style. In other words we present you with the information and you make a choice you are comfortable with.


If you still need more information on how to use this table please see our how to YouTube video  or our post how to pick the best preferred share of a company.




Reset Scenarios Based on Various G.O.C. 5 Year Bond Yield Rates

The following table presents 6 scenarios, of the issues resetting based on different 5 Year Bond rates. Each scenario consists of 3 columns and grouped by color. The rates assumed for the reset are as follows:
  • Scenario 1: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 1.50%
  • Scenario 2: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 2.00%
  • Scenario 3: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 2.50%
  • Scenario 4: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 3.0%
  • Scenario 5: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 3.50%
  • Scenario 6: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 4.00%

Note: Only the first 3 "What if scenarios" of the total 6 are available on the Free Site. All 6 scenarios can be viewed in the premium site

For more information please review our video and/or post. Links available at the bottom of the page

Rank Preferreds - Compare Reset Scenarios

(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Mar-21 16:35, Model Metrics 2025-Mar-21 17:05
Credit RatingSymbolReset Date Y/M/DCurrent (Yield Dividend)
5Yr @ 1.50%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 1 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 1.50%.
5Yr @ 1.50%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 1.50%. Rate Change (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 2.00%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 2 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 2.00%.
5Yr @ 2.00%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 2.00%. Rate Change (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 2.50%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 3 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 2.50%.
5Yr @ 2.50%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 2.50%. Rate Change (percent | to value )
Pfd3LBPO-T BPO.PR.T CA1129007664 2028DEC3109.81% $1.69756.73% $1.1709.20% $1.59044% 6.73%7.46% $1.2909.34% $1.61044% 7.46%8.18% $1.4209.49% $1.64044% 8.18%
Pfd3LBPO-G BPO.PR.G CA1129006260 2027JUN3009.48% $1.63657.59% $1.3108.53% $1.47044% 7.59%8.31% $1.4408.91% $1.53044% 8.31%9.04% $1.5609.25% $1.59044% 9.04%
Pfd3LBPO-I BPO.PR.I CA1129005924 2027DEC3109.46% $1.58987.22% $1.2108.55% $1.43048% 7.22%7.78% $1.3108.79% $1.47048% 7.78%8.53% $1.4309.08% $1.52048% 8.53%
Pfd3LBPO-A BPO.PR.A CA1129006831 2029DEC3109.33% $1.54107.04% $1.1609.32% $1.54051% 7.04%7.79% $1.2909.32% $1.54051% 7.79%8.55% $1.4109.32% $1.54051% 8.55%
Pfd3LECN-C ECN.PR.C CA26829L6026 2027JUN3009.25% $1.98437.80% $1.6708.52% $1.82016% 7.80%8.38% $1.8008.82% $1.89016% 8.38%8.97% $1.9209.10% $1.95016% 8.97%
Pfd3LAX-E AX.PR.E CA04315L7097 2028SEP3008.69% $1.79955.80% $1.2007.96% $1.64020% 5.80%6.40% $1.3308.12% $1.68020% 6.40%7.00% $1.4508.27% $1.71020% 7.00%
Pfd3LAX-I AX.PR.I CA04315L8657 2028APR3008.37% $1.74837.18% $1.5 07.95% $1.66019% 7.18%7.18% $1.5 07.95% $1.66019% 7.18%7.70% $1.6108.14% $1.69019% 7.70%
Pfd3LBPO-P BPO.PR.P CA1129008167 2027MAR3108.25% $1.13408.18% $1.1308.23% $1.13081% 8.18%9.09% $1.2508.71% $1.19081% 9.09%10.00% $1.3809.23% $1.26081% 10.00%
Pfd3LBPO-E BPO.PR.E CA1129006427 2027MAR3108.22% $1.37408.17% $1.3708.20% $1.37049% 8.17%8.92% $1.4908.60% $1.43049% 8.92%9.66% $1.6209.03% $1.50049% 9.66%
NRCF-C CF.PR.C CA1348016041 2027JUN3007.59% $1.70936.14% $1.3806.86% $1.54011% 6.14%6.70% $1.5107.15% $1.60011% 6.70%7.26% $1.6307.42% $1.66011% 7.26%
Pfd3LB-H LB.PR.H CA51925D8254 2029JUN1507.54% $1.54904.93% $1.0107.14% $1.46021% 4.93%5.54% $1.1407.24% $1.48021% 5.54%6.15% $1.2607.33% $1.50021% 6.15%
Pfd3HENB-T ENB.PR.T CA29250N7339 2029JUN0107.51% $1.57854.76% $1.0007.09% $1.49019% 4.76%5.35% $1.1307.18% $1.51018% 5.35%5.95% $1.2507.27% $1.52019% 5.95%
Pfd3HENB-H ENB.PR.H CA29250N8402 2028SEP0107.47% $1.52804.43% $0.9006.55% $1.34022% 4.43%5.04% $1.0306.74% $1.37022% 5.04%5.65% $1.1606.93% $1.41022% 5.65%
Pfd3HENB-N ENB.PR.N CA29250N7743 2028DEC0107.41% $1.67404.59% $1.0406.70% $1.51010% 4.59%5.14% $1.1606.83% $1.54010% 5.14%5.70% $1.2906.98% $1.57010% 5.70%
Pfd3HENB-P ENB.PR.P CA29250N7586 2029MAR0107.38% $1.47954.99% $1.0006.90% $1.38024% 4.99%5.62% $1.1307.03% $1.40024% 5.62%6.24% $1.2507.15% $1.43024% 6.24%
Pfd3LTA-H TA.PR.H CA89346D7273 2027SEP3007.32% $1.72355.47% $1.2906.49% $1.52006% 5.47%6.00% $1.4106.71% $1.58006% 6.00%6.53% $1.5406.96% $1.64006% 6.53%
Pfd3HENB-J ENB.PR.J CA29250N6422 2029MAR0107.31% $1.49704.97% $1.0206.84% $1.40022% 4.97%5.58% $1.1406.96% $1.42022% 5.58%6.19% $1.2707.09% $1.45022% 6.19%
Pfd3BCE-T BCE.PR.T CA05534B8107 2026NOV0107.31% $1.24751.76% $0.3003.70% $0.63046% 1.76%2.34% $0.4004.08% $0.69046% 2.34%2.93% $0.5004.46% $0.76046% 2.93%
Pfd3BCE-Z BCE.PR.Z CA05534B8289 2027DEC0107.30% $1.33651.64% $0.3004.75% $0.87036% 1.64%2.19% $0.4005.00% $0.91036% 2.19%2.73% $0.5005.24% $0.96036% 2.73%
Pfd3BCE-C BCE.PR.C CA05534B7869 2028MAR0107.29% $1.27001.72% $0.3005.06% $0.88043% 1.72%2.30% $0.4005.29% $0.92043% 2.30%2.87% $0.5005.52% $0.96043% 2.87%
Pfd3LBPO-R BPO.PR.R CA1129007821 2026SEP3007.29% $1.07508.44% $1.2508.05% $1.18069% 8.44%9.29% $1.3708.58% $1.26069% 9.29%10.10% $1.5009.16% $1.35068% 10.10%
Pfd3LBPO-N BPO.PR.N CA1129008324 2026JUN3007.27% $1.00188.29% $1.1407.97% $1.09081% 8.29%9.20% $1.2708.63% $1.18081% 9.20%10.10% $1.3909.24% $1.27081% 10.10%
Pfd3BCE-F BCE.PR.F CA05534B7455 2030FEB0107.26% $1.37401.59% $0.3007.26% $1.37032% 1.59%2.11% $0.4007.26% $1.37031% 2.11%2.64% $0.5007.26% $1.37032% 2.64%
Pfd3HPPL-A PPL.PR.A CA7063272024 2028DEC0107.24% $1.63134.41% $0.9906.53% $1.47011% 4.41%4.96% $1.1206.67% $1.50011% 4.96%5.51% $1.2406.80% $1.53010% 5.51%
NRBBD-D BBD.PR.D CA0977516065 2027AUG0107.21% $1.14701.89% $0.3004.55% $0.72057% 1.89%2.52% $0.4004.86% $0.77057% 2.52%3.14% $0.5005.17% $0.82057% 3.14%
Pfd2LBN.PF.A BN.PF.A CA11271J7924 2028SEP3007.18% $1.68604.68% $1.1006.55% $1.53006% 4.68%5.21% $1.2306.69% $1.57006% 5.21%5.75% $1.3506.81% $1.60006% 5.75%
Pfd3HBRF-C BRF.PR.C CA11283Q4043 2029JUL3107.14% $1.62984.86% $1.1106.91% $1.57009% 4.86%5.41% $1.2406.96% $1.59009% 5.41%5.96% $1.3607.02% $1.60009% 5.96%
Pfd3HENB.PF.A ENB.PF.A CA29250N6265 2029DEC0107.13% $1.41805.23% $1.0407.04% $1.39025% 5.23%5.86% $1.1707.07% $1.40025% 5.86%6.49% $1.2907.10% $1.41025% 6.49%
Pfd3BCE-A BCE.PR.A CA05534B7943 2027SEP0107.13% $1.23501.73% $0.3004.43% $0.76044% 1.73%2.31% $0.4004.71% $0.81044% 2.31%2.89% $0.5005.00% $0.86044% 2.89%
Pfd3HENB-F ENB.PR.F CA29250N8659 2028JUN0107.11% $1.38455.15% $1.0006.41% $1.24028% 5.15%5.79% $1.1306.65% $1.29028% 5.79%6.43% $1.2506.86% $1.33028% 6.43%
Pfd3HENB-D ENB.PR.D CA29250N8816 2028MAR0107.11% $1.35305.08% $0.9606.30% $1.19031% 5.08%5.74% $1.0906.55% $1.24031% 5.74%6.40% $1.2206.83% $1.29031% 6.40%
Pfd3LAQN-A AQN.PR.A CA0158573034 2028DEC3107.11% $1.64404.80% $1.1106.64% $1.53008% 4.80%5.34% $1.2406.76% $1.56008% 5.34%5.88% $1.3606.86% $1.58008% 5.88%
Pfd3HPPL-E PPL.PR.E CA7063271117 2029JUN0107.10% $1.70354.69% $1.1306.73% $1.61004% 4.69%5.21% $1.2506.81% $1.63004% 5.21%5.73% $1.3806.89% $1.65004% 5.73%
Pfd3HENB-V $ ENB.PR.V CA2920N7172 2028JUN0107.08% $1.67594.90% $1.1606.32% $1.49005% 4.90%5.43% $1.2906.51% $1.54005% 5.43%5.96% $1.4106.69% $1.58005% 5.96%
Pfd2LBN.PF.B BN.PF.B CA11271J7767 2029MAR3107.07% $1.53634.76% $1.0306.72% $1.46015% 4.76%5.33% $1.1606.81% $1.47015% 5.33%5.91% $1.2806.89% $1.49015% 5.91%
NRBIP-E BIP.PR.E BMG162522004 2028MAR3107.05% $1.660505.31% $1.2506.44% $1.51006% 5.31%5.31% $1.2506.44% $1.51006% 5.31%5.84% $1.3806.63% $1.56006% 5.84%
Pfd2NA-K NA.PR.K CA1367658806 2029APR3007.04% $1.91285.10% $1.3906.75% $1.83-7% 5.10%5.56% $1.5106.82% $1.85-7% 5.56%6.02% $1.6406.89% $1.87-7% 6.02%
Pfd3HENB.PF.C ENB.PF.C CA29250N5929 2030MAR0107.04% $1.36935.32% $1.0407.04% $1.36028% 5.32%5.96% $1.1607.04% $1.36028% 5.96%6.61% $1.2907.04% $1.36028% 6.61%
Pfd3HENB-Y ENB.PR.Y CA29250N6836 2029SEP0107.04% $1.32205.17% $0.9706.85% $1.28033% 5.17%5.83% $1.1006.92% $1.29033% 5.83%6.50% $1.2206.98% $1.31033% 6.50%
Pfd3BCE-Q BCE.PR.Q CA05534B5962 2028SEP3007.02% $1.63454.44% $1.0406.37% $1.48007% 4.44%4.98% $1.1606.50% $1.51007% 4.98%5.52% $1.2906.64% $1.54007% 5.52%
Pfd3LAQN-D AQN.PR.D CA0158575013 2029MAR3106.99% $1.71334.88% $1.2006.67% $1.63002% 4.88%5.39% $1.3206.74% $1.65002% 5.39%5.90% $1.4506.82% $1.67002% 5.90%
Pfd2LFTS-G FTS.PR.G CA3495538348 2028SEP0106.96% $1.53084.13% $0.9006.10% $1.34013% 4.13%4.69% $1.0306.27% $1.38013% 4.69%5.26% $1.1606.45% $1.41013% 5.26%
Pfd3HENB-B ENB.PR.B CA29250N7099 2027JUN0106.95% $1.30045.21% $0.9705.99% $1.12033% 5.21%5.88% $1.1006.36% $1.19033% 5.88%6.55% $1.2306.74% $1.26033% 6.55%
Pfd3HTRP-D TRP.PR.D CA87807B8006 2029APR3006.94% $1.49634.50% $0.9706.57% $1.41016% 4.50%5.08% $1.1006.66% $1.43016% 5.08%5.66% $1.2206.75% $1.45016% 5.66%
Pfd3LCPX-C CPX.PR.C CA14042M5081 2028DEC3106.94% $1.71504.79% $1.1806.51% $1.60001% 4.79%5.29% $1.3106.61% $1.63001% 5.29%5.80% $1.4306.71% $1.65001% 5.80%
Pfd3HEMA-C EMA.PR.C CA2908765076 2028AUG1506.91% $1.60854.46% $1.0406.17% $1.43007% 4.46%5.00% $1.1606.33% $1.47007% 5.00%5.53% $1.2906.50% $1.51007% 5.53%
Pfd3HENB.PF.V $ ENB.PF.V CA29250N6679 2029MAR0106.90% $1.67084.46% $1.0806.41% $1.55003% 4.46%4.98% $1.2106.52% $1.57003% 4.98%5.50% $1.3306.62% $1.60003% 5.50%
Pfd3HPPL-Q PPL.PR.Q CA7063278146 2029MAR3106.89% $1.6512504.70% $1.1306.56% $1.57004% 4.70%5.23% $1.2506.63% $1.59004% 5.23%5.75% $1.3806.71% $1.61004% 5.75%
Pfd3LTA-F TA.PR.F CA89346D7356 2027JUN3006.89% $1.46355.41% $1.1506.14% $1.30017% 5.41%6.00% $1.2806.45% $1.37017% 6.00%6.59% $1.4006.73% $1.43017% 6.59%
Pfd2LBN-Z BN.PR.Z CA11271J8260 2027DEC3106.86% $1.52235.03% $1.1206.13% $1.36012% 5.03%5.59% $1.2406.35% $1.40012% 5.59%6.15% $1.3706.58% $1.46012% 6.15%
Pfd3LTA-J TA.PR.J CA89346D6770 2029SEP3006.86% $1.69335.37% $1.3306.79% $1.67001% 5.37%5.88% $1.4506.81% $1.68001% 5.88%6.38% $1.5806.84% $1.68001% 6.38%
NRBIP-F BIP.PR.F BMG162522269 2028DEC3106.86% $1.611505.43% $1.2806.57% $1.54006% 5.43%5.43% $1.2806.57% $1.54006% 5.43%5.77% $1.3606.64% $1.56006% 5.77%
Pfd3LCPX-E CPX.PR.E CA14042M7061 2028JUN3006.85% $1.65784.80% $1.1606.23% $1.50003% 4.80%5.32% $1.2906.39% $1.54003% 5.32%5.84% $1.4106.54% $1.58003% 5.84%
Pfd3HTRP-A TRP.PR.A CA87807B2066 2029DEC3106.84% $1.23484.74% $0.8506.84% $1.23038% 4.74%5.43% $0.9806.84% $1.23038% 5.43%6.12% $1.1106.84% $1.23038% 6.12%
Pfd2NA-G NA.PR.G CA63306A2056 2028NOV1506.76% $1.76404.09% $1.0706.09% $1.59-4% 4.09%4.57% $1.1906.20% $1.62-4% 4.57%5.05% $1.3206.33% $1.65-4% 5.05%
Pfd3HPPL-C PPL.PR.C CA7063274004 2029MAR0106.76% $1.50484.61% $1.0306.33% $1.40012% 4.61%5.17% $1.1506.44% $1.43012% 5.17%5.73% $1.2806.56% $1.45012% 5.73%
Pfd2LBN.PF.F BN.PF.F CA11271J7197 2029SEP3006.75% $1.45835.05% $1.0906.66% $1.43015% 5.05%5.63% $1.2206.69% $1.44015% 5.63%6.20% $1.3406.72% $1.45015% 6.20%
Pfd2NA-C NA.PR.C CA6330672289 2027NOV1506.74% $1.75684.73% $1.2305.82% $1.51-4% 4.73%5.21% $1.3606.05% $1.57-4% 5.21%5.69% $1.4806.26% $1.63-4% 5.69%
Pfd2LBN-X BN.PR.X CA11271J8427 2027JUN3006.71% $1.15154.81% $0.8205.76% $0.98045% 4.81%5.54% $0.9506.12% $1.05045% 5.54%6.27% $1.0806.50% $1.11045% 6.27%
Pfd3LBPO-C BPO.PR.C CA1129006674 2026JUN3006.69% $1.52937.31% $1.6707.12% $1.62009% 7.31%7.86% $1.8007.52% $1.71009% 7.86%8.40% $1.9207.88% $1.80009% 8.40%
Pfd2HMFC-K MFC.PR.K CA56501R7426 2028SEP1906.67% $1.58753.91% $0.9305.84% $1.39005% 3.91%4.43% $1.0606.00% $1.42004% 4.43%4.96% $1.1806.15% $1.46005% 4.96%
Pfd2LBN.PF.E BN.PF.E CA11271J7353 2030MAR3106.65% $1.29635.19% $1.0106.64% $1.29028% 5.19%5.83% $1.1406.64% $1.29028% 5.83%6.47% $1.2606.64% $1.29028% 6.47%
Pfd3HPPL-O PPL.PR.O CA7063278302 2027SEP3006.65% $1.5410004.77% $1.1105.81% $1.34007% 4.77%5.31% $1.2306.04% $1.40007% 5.31%5.85% $1.3606.29% $1.45007% 5.85%
Pfd2LBN.PF.J BN.PF.J CA11271J6280 2027DEC3106.62% $1.55735.05% $1.1906.00% $1.41006% 5.05%5.43% $1.2806.15% $1.44006% 5.43%5.96% $1.4006.35% $1.49006% 5.96%
Pfd3HENB.PF.K ENB.PF.K CA29250N5192 2028MAR0106.61% $1.55305.21% $1.2306.05% $1.42006% 5.21%5.50% $1.2906.16% $1.44006% 5.50%6.03% $1.4206.38% $1.49006% 6.03%
Pfd3HPPL-G PPL.PR.G CA7063276082 2029DEC0106.60% $1.48834.92% $1.1106.51% $1.46010% 4.92%5.48% $1.2406.54% $1.47010% 5.48%6.03% $1.3606.57% $1.48010% 6.03%
Pfd3HPPL.PF.E PPL.PF.E CA7063277239 2028FEB1506.60% $1.62035.30% $1.3 06.07% $1.49001% 5.30%5.61% $1.3806.20% $1.52001% 5.61%6.12% $1.5006.40% $1.57001% 6.12%
Pfd3HEMA-H EMA.PR.H CA2908768617 2028AUG1506.54% $1.58105.07% $1.2306.11% $1.47003% 5.07%5.07% $1.2306.11% $1.47003% 5.07%5.22% $1.2606.14% $1.48003% 5.22%
Pfd3HPPL.PF.A PPL.PF.A CA7063277643 2028MAR0106.53% $1.57555.08% $1.2305.96% $1.43003% 5.08%5.45% $1.3206.11% $1.47003% 5.45%5.97% $1.4406.30% $1.52003% 5.97%
Pfd2HBMO-E BMO.PR.E CA06368B2075 2028NOV2506.52% $1.70404.00% $1.0505.89% $1.54-4% 4.00%4.48% $1.1706.01% $1.57-4% 4.48%4.96% $1.3006.13% $1.60-4% 4.96%
Pfd3HEMA-F EMA.PR.F CA2908768047 2030FEB1506.52% $1.43724.68% $1.0306.51% $1.43013% 4.68%5.25% $1.1606.51% $1.43013% 5.25%5.82% $1.2806.51% $1.43013% 5.82%
Pfd2LFTS-K FTS.PR.K CA3495537845 2029MAR0106.51% $1.36734.23% $0.8806.05% $1.27019% 4.23%4.82% $1.0106.17% $1.29019% 4.82%5.42% $1.1406.29% $1.32019% 5.42%
Pfd3HTRP-E TRP.PR.E CA87807B8758 2029OCT3006.49% $1.27004.92% $0.9606.41% $1.25027% 4.92%5.56% $1.0906.45% $1.26027% 5.56%6.20% $1.2106.48% $1.26027% 6.20%
Pfd2LFTS-M FTS.PR.M CA3495537688 2029DEC0106.45% $1.37334.67% $0.9906.35% $1.35017% 4.67%5.26% $1.1206.38% $1.36017% 5.26%5.85% $1.2506.41% $1.36017% 5.85%
Pfd2HMFC-L MFC.PR.L CA56501R7269 2029JUN1906.39% $1.44384.05% $0.9106.03% $1.36010% 4.05%4.60% $1.0406.12% $1.38010% 4.60%5.15% $1.1706.20% $1.40010% 5.15%
Pfd2NA-I NA.PR.I CA1367655000 2029APR3006.32% $1.59284.23% $1.0706.00% $1.51-0% 4.23%4.72% $1.1906.08% $1.53-0% 4.72%5.22% $1.3206.15% $1.55-0% 5.22%
Pfd3HENB.PF.U $ ENB.PF.U CA29250N7909 2027SEP0106.29% $1.46405.00% $1.1605.64% $1.31007% 5.00%5.54% $1.2905.92% $1.37007% 5.54%6.08% $1.4106.18% $1.43007% 6.08%
Pfd2IFC-G IFC.PR.G CA45823T8749 2028JUN3006.27% $1.50304.22% $1.0105.65% $1.35004% 4.22%4.74% $1.1405.81% $1.39004% 4.74%5.26% $1.2605.96% $1.43004% 5.26%
Pfd3HALA-G ALA.PR.G CA0213618865 2029SEP3006.27% $1.50434.75% $1.1406.19% $1.48004% 4.75%5.27% $1.2706.21% $1.49004% 5.27%5.79% $1.3906.24% $1.49004% 5.79%
Pfd3HBEP-M BEP.PR.M BMG162584053 2028APR3006.27% $1.51255.19% $1.2505.89% $1.42003% 5.19%5.19% $1.2505.89% $1.42003% 5.19%5.71% $1.3806.08% $1.46003% 5.71%
Pfd2HMFC-J MFC.PR.J CA56501R7673 2028MAR1906.21% $1.53984.15% $1.0305.39% $1.33000% 4.15%4.65% $1.1505.58% $1.38000% 4.65%5.16% $1.2805.79% $1.43000% 5.16%
Pfd2CU-C CU.PR.C CA1367176916 2027JUN0106.19% $1.30004.64% $0.9705.33% $1.12019% 4.64%5.24% $1.1005.66% $1.19019% 5.24%5.83% $1.2306.00% $1.26019% 5.83%
Pfd2NA-S NA.PR.S CA6330673196 2029MAY1506.18% $1.54783.89% $0.9705.83% $1.46-0% 3.89%4.39% $1.1005.91% $1.48-0% 4.39%4.89% $1.2305.98% $1.50-0% 4.89%
Pfd2HTD.PF.I TD.PF.I CA8911606405 2027OCT3106.13% $1.57534.39% $1.1305.35% $1.37-2% 4.39%4.88% $1.2505.56% $1.42-2% 4.88%5.37% $1.3805.79% $1.48-2% 5.37%
Pfd2HPWF-T PWF.PR.T CA73927C7382 2029JAN3106.10% $1.39884.22% $0.9605.72% $1.31009% 4.22%4.77% $1.0905.83% $1.33009% 4.77%5.31% $1.2205.94% $1.36009% 5.31%
NRCSE-A CSE.PR.A CA14069Q5077 2026JUL3106.09% $0.92556.92% $1.0506.66% $1.01064% 6.92%7.75% $1.1807.26% $1.10064% 7.75%8.57% $1.3007.81% $1.18064% 8.57%
Pfd2IFC-A IFC.PR.A CA45823T3047 2027DEC3105.99% $1.21033.99% $0.8005.18% $1.04023% 3.99%4.60% $0.9305.43% $1.09023% 4.60%5.22% $1.0605.69% $1.15023% 5.22%
Pfd2HMFC-I MFC.PR.I CA56501R7830 2027SEP1905.97% $1.49454.36% $1.0905.16% $1.29000% 4.36%4.86% $1.2205.42% $1.35000% 4.86%5.36% $1.3405.66% $1.41000% 5.36%
Pfd2HMFC-Q MFC.PR.Q CA56501R6196 2028JUN1905.94% $1.48554.05% $1.0105.27% $1.31000% 4.05%4.55% $1.1405.45% $1.36000% 4.55%5.05% $1.2605.62% $1.40000% 5.05%
Pfd2HMFC-M MFC.PR.M CA56501R6923 2029DEC1905.92% $1.38554.13% $0.9605.83% $1.36006% 4.13%4.66% $1.0905.86% $1.37006% 4.66%5.19% $1.2205.88% $1.37006% 5.19%
Pfd2NA-E NA.PR.E CA6330671943 2028MAY1505.82% $1.45454.08% $1.0205.20% $1.30000% 4.08%4.58% $1.1505.39% $1.34000% 4.58%5.08% $1.2705.55% $1.38000% 5.08%
Pfd2HMFC-N MFC.PR.N CA56501R6766 2030MAR1905.81% $1.29234.27% $0.9505.80% $1.29012% 4.27%4.83% $1.0805.80% $1.29012% 4.83%5.39% $1.2005.80% $1.29012% 5.39%
Pfd1LRY-S RY.PR.S CA78013R3909 2029FEB2405.79% $1.47133.82% $0.9705.39% $1.37-1% 3.82%4.31% $1.1005.50% $1.39-1% 4.31%4.80% $1.2205.59% $1.42-1% 4.80%
Pfd2CM-S CM.PR.S CA1360708772 2028JAN3105.78% $1.46953.88% $0.9805.02% $1.27-1% 3.88%4.37% $1.1105.21% $1.32-1% 4.37%4.87% $1.2405.41% $1.37-1% 4.87%
Pfd2HTD.PF.J TD.PF.J CA8911606249 2028APR3005.64% $1.43684.13% $1.0505.11% $1.30-1% 4.13%4.62% $1.1805.29% $1.34-1% 4.62%5.11% $1.3005.45% $1.38-1% 5.11%
Pfd2LBN.PF.I BN.PF.I CA11271J6447 2027MAR3105.61% $1.34655.57% $1.3405.59% $1.34004% 5.57%6.09% $1.4605.87% $1.40004% 6.09%6.61% $1.5906.16% $1.48004% 6.61%
NRCF-A CF.PR.A CA1348013071 2026SEP3005.57% $1.00706.52% $1.1806.19% $1.11038% 6.52%7.21% $1.3006.62% $1.19038% 7.21%7.90% $1.4307.09% $1.28038% 7.90%
NRBIP-B BIP.PR.B BMG162521436 2025DEC3105.51% $1.376006.04% $1.5105.94% $1.48000% 6.04%6.54% $1.6306.32% $1.57000% 6.54%7.04% $1.7606.74% $1.68000% 7.04%
Pfd3HBEP-G BEP.PR.G BMG162581323 2026JAN3105.50% $1.37505.97% $1.4905.86% $1.46000% 5.97%6.47% $1.6206.28% $1.57000% 6.47%6.97% $1.7406.66% $1.66000% 6.97%
Pfd2LBN-T BN.PR.T CA11271J8674 2027MAR3105.30% $0.96155.25% $0.9505.27% $0.95037% 5.25%5.94% $1.0805.66% $1.02037% 5.94%6.63% $1.2006.02% $1.09037% 6.63%
NRBIP-A BIP.PR.A BMG162521279 2025JUN3005.29% $1.280005.23% $1.2705.25% $1.27003% 5.23%5.74% $1.3905.69% $1.37003% 5.74%6.26% $1.5206.18% $1.49003% 6.26%
Pfd3FFH-K FFH.PR.K CA3039018211 2027MAR3105.21% $1.26135.18% $1.2505.18% $1.25003% 5.18%5.69% $1.3805.48% $1.32003% 5.69%6.21% $1.5005.75% $1.39003% 6.21%
Pfd3BCE-K BCE.PR.K CA05534B6796 2026DEC3105.08% $0.82655.20% $0.8405.15% $0.83053% 5.20%5.97% $0.9705.61% $0.91053% 5.97%6.74% $1.1006.09% $0.99053% 6.74%
Pfd3BCE-I BCE.PR.I CA05534B7117 2026AUG0105.08% $0.84751.80% $0.3002.78% $0.46050% 1.80%2.40% $0.4003.20% $0.53050% 2.40%3.00% $0.5003.62% $0.60050% 3.00%
Pfd3BCE-G BCE.PR.G CA05534B7372 2026MAY0105.08% $0.84251.81% $0.3002.62% $0.43050% 1.81%2.41% $0.4003.08% $0.51050% 2.41%3.02% $0.5003.53% $0.58051% 3.02%
Pfd2HTD.PF.A TD.PF.A CA8911456900 2029OCT3105.04% $1.24253.79% $0.9304.98% $1.22001% 3.79%4.30% $1.0605.00% $1.23001% 4.30%4.81% $1.1905.03% $1.23001% 4.81%
Pfd2LBN.PF.H BN.PF.H CA11271J6694 2025DEC3105.02% $1.25005.69% $1.4205.56% $1.38000% 5.69%6.19% $1.5405.94% $1.48000% 6.19%6.69% $1.6706.36% $1.58000% 6.69%
Pfd3FFH-M FFH.PR.M CA3039017973 2025MAR3105.00% $1.25045.48% $1.3705.46% $1.36000% 5.48%5.98% $1.5005.95% $1.48000% 5.98%6.49% $1.6206.41% $1.60000% 6.49%
Pfd3FN-A FN.PR.A CA33564P2026 2026MAR3104.92% $0.7237506.07% $0.8905.78% $0.85070% 6.07%6.92% $1.0206.43% $0.94070% 6.92%7.77% $1.1407.04% $1.03070% 7.77%
Pfd3HPPL-S PPL.PR.S CA7063277809 2025JUN3004.70% $1.17105.79% $1.4405.67% $1.41000% 5.79%6.30% $1.5706.14% $1.53000% 6.30%6.80% $1.6906.57% $1.63000% 6.80%
Pfd3HCVE-E CVE.PR.E CA4480556089 2025MAR3104.59% $1.14785.07% $1.2705.05% $1.26000% 5.07%5.57% $1.3905.51% $1.37000% 5.57%6.07% $1.5206.01% $1.50000% 6.07%
Pfd3LTA-D TA.PR.D CA89346D7687 2026MAR3104.59% $0.71935.63% $0.8805.37% $0.84059% 5.63%6.43% $1.0105.98% $0.93059% 6.43%7.23% $1.1306.55% $1.02059% 7.23%
Pfd2CU-I CU.PR.I CA1367176262 2025DEC0104.53% $1.12505.23% $1.3005.13% $1.27000% 5.23%5.73% $1.4205.54% $1.37000% 5.73%6.23% $1.5505.98% $1.48000% 6.23%
Pfd3HEMA-J EMA.PR.J CA2908768468 2026MAY1504.51% $1.06255.07% $1.2004.94% $1.16006% 5.07%5.61% $1.3205.33% $1.25006% 5.61%6.14% $1.4505.74% $1.35006% 6.14%
Pfd3BCE-R BCE.PR.R CA05534B7034 2025DEC0104.51% $0.75451.80% $0.3002.20% $0.36050% 1.80%2.39% $0.4002.71% $0.45049% 2.39%2.99% $0.5003.22% $0.53049% 2.99%
Pfd2LBN-R BN.PR.R CA11271J8831 2026JUN3004.49% $0.80935.27% $0.9505.03% $0.90038% 5.27%5.96% $1.0805.53% $0.99038% 5.96%6.66% $1.2006.00% $1.08038% 6.66%
Pfd2LBN.PF.L BN.PF.L CA11271J5860 2026NOV0104.44% $0.60401.94% $0.2602.81% $0.38061% 1.94%2.59% $0.3503.23% $0.44061% 2.59%3.24% $0.4403.65% $0.49062% 3.24%
Pfd3HPPL-I PPL.PR.I CA7063278062 2025DEC0104.36% $1.07555.49% $1.3505.31% $1.30001% 5.49%6.00% $1.4805.76% $1.41001% 6.00%6.51% $1.6006.17% $1.52001% 6.51%
Pfd3BCE-M BCE.PR.M CA05534B6465 2026MAR3104.36% $0.73485.33% $0.8905.08% $0.85048% 5.33%6.07% $1.0205.63% $0.94048% 6.07%6.81% $1.1506.20% $1.04048% 6.81%
NRNPI-A NPI.PR.A CA6665113081 2025SEP3004.22% $0.80045.68% $1.0805.48% $1.03032% 5.68%6.34% $1.2006.01% $1.14032% 6.34%7.00% $1.3306.60% $1.25032% 7.00%
Pfd2IFC-C IFC.PR.C CA45823T6016 2026SEP3004.05% $0.86434.88% $1.0404.58% $0.97017% 4.88%5.46% $1.1704.98% $1.06017% 5.46%6.05% $1.2905.35% $1.14017% 6.05%
Pfd3HENB.PF.E ENB.PF.E CA29250N5762 2025JUN0104.04% $0.76085.52% $1.0405.44% $1.02032% 5.52%6.19% $1.1706.10% $1.14032% 6.19%6.85% $1.2906.71% $1.26032% 6.85%
Pfd2CIU-C CIU.PR.C CA22944C5028 2026JUN0104.02% $0.57255.03% $0.7104.77% $0.67075% 5.03%5.91% $0.8405.43% $0.77075% 5.91%6.79% $0.9606.09% $0.86075% 6.79%
Pfd2LBN.PF.G BN.PF.G CA11271J6850 2025JUN3004.02% $0.81325.36% $1.0905.25% $1.06023% 5.36%5.98% $1.2105.78% $1.17023% 5.98%6.60% $1.3406.36% $1.28023% 6.60%
Pfd3HBRF-A BRF.PR.A CA11283Q2062 2025APR3003.98% $0.78435.23% $1.0305.16% $1.01026% 5.23%5.86% $1.1605.79% $1.14026% 5.86%6.50% $1.2806.37% $1.25027% 6.50%
Pfd3HCVE-G CVE.PR.G CA4480558069 2025JUN3003.96% $0.98385.05% $1.2604.95% $1.23000% 5.05%5.55% $1.3805.39% $1.34000% 5.55%6.06% $1.5105.86% $1.45000% 6.06%
Pfd3HENB.PF.G ENB.PF.G CA29250N5507 2025SEP0103.95% $0.74585.54% $1.0505.40% $1.01032% 5.54%6.20% $1.1705.97% $1.12032% 6.20%6.86% $1.3006.59% $1.24032% 6.86%
Pfd2CM-P CM.PR.P CA1360694246 2025JAN3103.91% $0.97723.74% $0.9303.74% $0.93000% 3.74%4.24% $1.0604.24% $1.06000% 4.24%4.74% $1.1904.75% $1.19000% 4.74%
Pfd2HTD.PF.C TD.PF.C CA8911456587 2025JAN3103.88% $0.96923.75% $0.9303.75% $0.93000% 3.75%4.25% $1.0604.24% $1.06000% 4.25%4.75% $1.1904.76% $1.19000% 4.75%
Pfd2NA-W NA.PR.W CA6330672859 2025FEB1503.84% $0.95963.75% $0.9303.75% $0.93000% 3.75%4.25% $1.0604.24% $1.06000% 4.25%4.75% $1.1904.75% $1.19000% 4.75%
Pfd3LCPX-A CPX.PR.A CA14042M3003 2025DEC3103.75% $0.65535.26% $0.9104.95% $0.86043% 5.26%5.97% $1.0405.51% $0.96043% 5.97%6.69% $1.1706.11% $1.06043% 6.69%
Pfd3HTRP-G TRP.PR.G CA87807B8592 2025NOV3003.67% $0.83784.89% $1.1204.72% $1.07009% 4.89%5.44% $1.2405.17% $1.17009% 5.44%5.99% $1.3705.65% $1.29009% 5.99%
Pfd3HALA-A ALA.PR.A CA0213612090 2025SEP3003.65% $0.76504.97% $1.0404.76% $0.99019% 4.97%5.56% $1.1705.29% $1.10019% 5.56%6.16% $1.2905.78% $1.21019% 6.16%
Pfd2HMFC-F MFC.PR.F CA56501R8580 2026JUN1903.58% $0.58704.44% $0.7204.22% $0.69052% 4.44%5.20% $0.8504.80% $0.78052% 5.20%5.97% $0.9705.37% $0.88052% 5.97%
Pfd2HSLF-H SLF.PR.H CA8667968652 2026SEP3003.58% $0.74184.43% $0.9104.13% $0.85020% 4.43%5.04% $1.0404.51% $0.93020% 5.04%5.64% $1.1704.92% $1.02020% 5.64%
Pfd3FFH-I FFH.PR.I CA3039018476 2025DEC3103.52% $0.83184.61% $1.0904.39% $1.03005% 4.61%5.14% $1.2104.80% $1.13005% 5.14%5.67% $1.3405.24% $1.23005% 5.67%
Pfd2HTD.PF.E TD.PF.E CA8911456173 2025OCT3103.29% $0.81054.43% $1.0904.25% $1.04001% 4.43%4.94% $1.2204.70% $1.15001% 4.94%5.45% $1.3405.11% $1.26001% 5.45%
NRINE-A INE.PR.A CA45790B5009 2026JAN1503.29% $0.81084.36% $1.0704.13% $1.01001% 4.36%4.87% $1.2004.56% $1.12001% 4.87%5.38% $1.3204.95% $1.21001% 5.38%
Pfd3HTRP-C TRP.PR.C CA87807B6026 2026JAN3003.28% $0.48735.12% $0.7604.75% $0.70068% 5.12%5.96% $0.8805.42% $0.80068% 5.96%6.80% $1.0106.09% $0.90068% 6.80%
Pfd3HEMA-A EMA.PR.A CA2908763097 2025AUG1503.26% $0.54555.00% $0.8304.82% $0.80049% 5.00%5.75% $0.9605.49% $0.91049% 5.75%6.49% $1.0906.19% $1.03049% 6.49%
Pfd2HTD.PF.D TD.PF.D CA8911456330 2025JUL3103.24% $0.80034.34% $1.0704.21% $1.04001% 4.34%4.84% $1.2004.69% $1.16001% 4.84%5.35% $1.3205.12% $1.26001% 5.35%
Pfd1LRY-J RY.PR.J CA78012Q1129 2025MAY2403.23% $0.80004.28% $1.0604.22% $1.04000% 4.28%4.78% $1.1904.72% $1.17000% 4.78%5.29% $1.3105.18% $1.28000% 5.29%
Pfd3FFH-E FFH.PR.E CA3039018880 2025MAR3103.18% $0.79563.66% $0.9103.64% $0.90000% 3.66%4.16% $1.0404.11% $1.02000% 4.16%4.67% $1.1704.61% $1.15000% 4.67%
Pfd2CM-Q CM.PR.Q CA1360693909 2025JUL3103.16% $0.78584.32% $1.0704.19% $1.04000% 4.32%4.82% $1.2004.66% $1.15000% 4.82%5.33% $1.3205.10% $1.26000% 5.33%
Pfd3FFH-G FFH.PR.G CA3039018625 2025SEP3003.15% $0.74054.32% $1.0204.16% $0.97006% 4.32%4.85% $1.1404.59% $1.08006% 4.85%5.38% $1.2705.06% $1.19006% 5.38%
Pfd2HPWF-P PWF.PR.P CA73927C7796 2026JAN3103.11% $0.49954.83% $0.7704.48% $0.71055% 4.83%5.61% $0.9005.10% $0.81055% 5.61%6.39% $1.0305.75% $0.92055% 6.39%
Pfd2HBMO-Y BMO.PR.Y CA06367X2005 2025AUG2503.10% $0.76354.27% $1.0504.14% $1.02001% 4.27%4.78% $1.1804.62% $1.13001% 4.78%5.29% $1.3005.06% $1.24001% 5.29%
Pfd1LRY-M RY.PR.M CA78012T4708 2025NOV2403.07% $0.75004.22% $1.0304.04% $0.98002% 4.22%4.73% $1.1604.49% $1.09002% 4.73%5.24% $1.2804.91% $1.20002% 5.24%
Pfd3HTRP-B TRP.PR.B CA87807B4047 2025JUN3002.92% $0.42324.81% $0.6904.61% $0.66073% 4.81%5.67% $0.8205.39% $0.78072% 5.67%6.54% $0.9406.17% $0.89073% 6.54%
Pfd2LFTS-H FTS.PR.H CA3495538264 2025JUN0102.85% $0.45884.59% $0.7304.50% $0.72055% 4.59%5.37% $0.8605.24% $0.84055% 5.37%6.15% $0.9805.98% $0.96055% 6.15%
Pfd3HCVE-A CVE.PR.A CA4480552021 2026MAR3102.82% $0.64433.53% $0.8003.35% $0.76009% 3.53%4.08% $0.9303.76% $0.86009% 4.08%4.63% $1.0604.18% $0.95009% 4.63%
Pfd2HGWO-N GWO.PR.N CA39138C7917 2025DEC3102.73% $0.43734.37% $0.7004.04% $0.64056% 4.37%5.15% $0.8204.66% $0.74056% 5.15%5.93% $0.9505.29% $0.84056% 5.93%
Pfd2HSLF-G SLF.PR.G CA8667968819 2025JUN3002.68% $0.45634.28% $0.7204.12% $0.70047% 4.28%5.01% $0.8504.78% $0.81046% 5.01%5.75% $0.9705.44% $0.92047% 5.75%