Rank Great-West Lifeco Preferreds

This compare tool allows you to Rank Great-West Lifeco Preferreds, based on the latest stock information available. Our goal is to provide you with the information and metrics related to the Great-West Lifeco preferreds. Your goal is to establish which preferred will provide you the best returns. If you are buying today, these tools will expedite and aid the selection process. Given all the data available here, an informed decision is within reach.

In a market with low volumes you can use this information to identify mispriced shares. Since all preferreds belong to the same issuer, the risk is the same for all of them.

Great-West Lifeco Brief Overview

Visit the Great-West Lifeco company website to see the preferred share prospectus, news and other information.

Sector: Insurance, Financial Services.

  1. Has interests in life insurance, health insurance, retirement and investment services, asset management and reinsurance businesses.
  2. Operates in Canada, the United States and Europe through Great-West Life, London Life, Canada Life, Irish Life, Great-West Financial and Putnam Investments

The latest information and statistics on their common stock GWO, can be easily accessed using websites like TMX Money.

Next Dividend Pay Date: 2025Mar30. Dividend Payment Schedule: 2025MAR31 , 2025JUN30 , 2025SEP30 , 2025DEC31

Next Ex-Dividend Date: 2025FEB28. Ex Dividend Date Schedule: 2025FEB28 , 2025MAY30 , 2025AUG29 , 2025NOV30


Great-West Lifeco Preferred share Credit Ratings

The latest preferred share credit ratings for Great-West Lifeco are listed in the table below. For additional information on credit rating agencies and codes see our article Credit Rating Symbols.

A.M. Best FITCH S&P DBRS S&P Global Moody's

Great-West Lifeco Common Share Metrics

Symbol: GWOCurrency: CADMarket Cap: $48,087,426,067Price: $51.59
P/E: 12.03P/B: 1.70Dividend: $0.49Yield: 3.80%
Beta: 0.5800

Great-West Lifeco Overall Preferred Share Metrics

I have reviewed the full set of Great-West Lifeco preferreds. Based on my review the following data points may be of interest to current and potential investors in the securities of "Great-West Lifeco". In other words, this is what I think is worth highlighting in this set of preferred shares. In addition it provides a quick overview of the detailed information presented furher down this page.

# of Preferred issues: 12Lowest Current Yield: GWO-N @ 2.64%Highest Current Yield: GWO-M @ 5.87%Average Current Yield: 5.52%
# of 5YR Reset issues: 15YR Reset Lowest Reset Yield: GWO-N @ 6.18%5YR Reset Highest Reset Yield: GWO-N @ 6.18%5YR Reset Average Reset Yield: 6.18%
Lowest Rate Change Percent: GWO-M @ 1.00%Highest Rate Change Percent: GWO-N @ 51.00%Average Rate Change Percent: 16.66%
Market Cap at Market Value: 2,328,756,000Market Cap at Face Value: 2,720,000,000Discount Amount: 391,244,000Discount Percent: 14.38%
Percent of Total Market Cap at Market Value: 4.24%Percent of Total Market Cap at Face Value: 4.36%


Rank Great-West Lifeco Preferreds - Compare Tool.

If you need more information on how to use the metrics below, watch our video Introduction to Compare Tools or see our post how to pick the best preferred share of a company

NOTE: Dividend dates are not fixed. The dates shown here are estimated and most likely a few days off. Do not make trades based on these dates. Always check with the issuer for the correct dates.

The following metrics are now only available on the premium version of this tool:

  1. Reset Date. The date of the upcoming reset for this issue. During the reset the new dividend will be determined by the issuer as outlined in the prospectus.
  2. Reset (Yield | Dividend).
  3. Blended (Yield | Dividend).
  4. Rate Change Percent.
  5. Rate Change To Value. This reflects the effect or the current price on the issue rate of the preferred. Here you see the percent increase/decrease of the new rate due to its drop or rise of its share value
  6. New Spread Change.
  7. New Spread Value.
  8. Short Position.
  9. Additional Features. A set of codes for additional features of the preferred share
  10. Years To Double Initial Investment.
  11. Outstanding float.
  12. Market Cap In Bilions.
  13. Common Stock P/E Ratio.
  14. Common Stock P/B Ratio.
  15. Common Stock Yield.
(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Feb-14 16:36, Model Metrics 2025-Feb-14 17:00
SymbolPrice52W High52W Low
Fixed Rate Baseyield and dividend for the current issue based on last night’s closing stock price
Current (Yield Dividend)Name
GWO-P GWO.PR.P CA39138C7750 $23.08$23.55$19.73PERPETUAL @ 5.40%05.85% $1.3500Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.40%,_Series_P
GWO-G GWO.PR.G CA39138C8824 $22.30$22.90$19.21PERPETUAL @ 5.20%05.83% $1.3000Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.20%,_Series__G
GWO-H GWO.PR.H CA39138C8741 $21.00$21.32$17.79PERPETUAL @ 4.85%05.76% $1.2100Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.85%,_Series_H
GWO-I GWO.PR.I CA39138C8667 $20.03$20.03$16.69PERPETUAL @ 4.50%05.61% $1.1250Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.50%,_Series_I
GWO-L GWO.PR.L CA39138C8253 $24.27$24.29$20.68PERPETUAL @ 5.65%05.81% $1.4100Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.65%,_Series_L
GWO-M GWO.PR.M CA39138C8170 $24.71$24.80$21.57PERPETUAL @ 5.80%05.87% $1.4500Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.80%,_Series_M
GWO-Q GWO.PR.Q CA39138C7677 $22.0922.5118.95PERPETUAL @ 5.15%05.84% $1.2900Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.15%,_Series_Q
GWO-R GWO.PR.R CA39138C7594 $20.7821.4817.74PERPETUAL @ 4.80%05.77% $1.2000Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.80%,_Series_R
GWO-S GWO.PR.S CA39138C7347 $22.5822.9319.2PERPETUAL @ 5.25%05.80% $1.3100Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.25%,_Series_S
GWO-T GWO.PR.T CA39138C7263 $22.1122.5119PERPETUAL @ 5.15%05.83% $1.2900Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.15%,_Series_T
GWO-Y GWO.PR.Y CA39138C6927 $19.842016.48PERPETUAL @ 4.50%05.67% $1.1250Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.5%,_Series_Y
GWO-N GWO.PR.N CA39138C7917 $16.55$17.20$13.505YR + 1.30%02.64% $0.4373Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._2.176%,_Series_N

Here is a Limited Version of the Premium - Compare Tool.

A limited number of rows is included with the full metrics. This is a sample only. See link at footer for information on subscription to the premium version

(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Feb-14 16:36, Model Metrics 2025-Feb-14 17:00
SymbolPrice52W High52W Low
Fixed Rate Baseyield and dividend for the current issue based on last night’s closing stock price
Current (Yield Dividend)
Reset (Yield Dividend)yield and dividend for the current issue after the upcoming reset
Blended (Yield Dividend)follow link passed the end of the table to see definition
Yield To CallReset Date Y/M/DPay Div DateEx Div DateRate Change percentRate Change to valueNew Spread valueShort PositionAdditional FeaturesConverts ToYears To Double Initial InvestmentOutstanding FloatName
GWO-P GWO.PR.P CA39138C7750 $23.08$23.55$19.73PERPETUAL @ 5.40%05.85% $1.3500N/A05.85% $1.35008.27%perpetual2025-03-302025-02-28008%5.85%N/A5,472 Non-Cumulative NVCC12.1910,000,000Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.40%,_Series_P
GWO-G GWO.PR.G CA39138C8824 $22.30$22.90$19.21PERPETUAL @ 5.20%05.83% $1.3000N/A05.83% $1.30009.30%perpetual2025-03-302025-02-28012%5.83%N/A27,893 Non-Cumulative NVCC12.2312,000,000Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.20%,_Series__G
Rank Great-West Lifeco Preferreds - canadianpreferredshares.ca

Additional Information

Continue to Rank Great-West Lifeco Preferreds  page 2 of 3 where you can find

  1. What if “Yield Scenarios” for Great-West Lifeco 5 year resets.
  2. Graph of all Great-West Lifeco preferred share yields
  3. Prospectus Information for each Great-West Lifeco preferred