Compare Class A Shares of Split-Share Corporations








This table is used to compare the class A shares of split share corporations.  In the Canadian Market there are 4 major issuers of these types of shares ( Brompton Funds , Strathbridge Asset Managment, Quadravest Capital Managment and Middlefield Funds )

The main features of a Split share corporation are:

  1. It exists for a defined period of time.
  2. Some type of covered call option strategy is used to further increase profits.
  3. Its main goal is to  transform the risk and investment return  of a basket of shares of conventional dividend-paying corporations into the risk and return of the two or more classes of publicly traded shares in the split share corporation.
  4. The number of preferred shares issued is equal to the number of the class A shares issued by this corporation.
  5. The preferred shares offer relatively high and secure yield. Priority is given to the preferreds over the capital shares in the payment of dividend income and in the eventual return of the full initial price of the shares. 
  6. The capital shares pay a dividend like the preferred shares( As long as the NAV is above the Threshold as defined by the split-corp). Additionally the shares offer participation in the leveraged capital gains/losses of the underlying basket of conventional shares.
  7. The preferreds and class A shares of a split share corporation are independently tradeable and have a very different risk profile. Dividends on Class A shares are not paid once the NAV is below the threhold and unit price suffers great declines.



The metrics used in the compare table below include

  1. Price: The price of the class A share
  2. Monthly Dividend Amount: Amount to be paid each month, assuming the ‘Net Asset Value’ is above the ‘NAV Threshold’
  3. Variable Dividend: If the dividend is fixed or varies. Sometimes the issuer uses a formula to calculate the dividend before each pay resulting in a different amount with each payment.
  4. Current Yield:  Yield based on todays price
  5. Target Yield: Yield at initial offering of the security
  6. Class A NAV: The Net Asset Value for the Class A (Capital) share as calculated by the issuer. Compare this to the current price to determine if its mispriced.
  7. Net Asset Value: The sum of (NAV of the preferred + NAV of the common). At regular intervals the issuer publishes the NAV of the preferred and Class A shares. I add the two together to come up with the Net Asset Value to the split share.
  8. NAV As Of Date: This is the date the issuer last published the NAV of the preferred and Class A shares.
  9. NAV Threshold: The dividend on the common share is only paid if the ‘Net Asset Value’ is  higher than “NAV Threshold”.

Class A shares don’t pay dividends if the Net Asset Value of the split-corporation is less than the threshold value. I have highlighted the ones in this category with pink background color.


Nav Threshold Issues

PIC.A does not have a Defined Threshold. See PIC.A Details Page for detailed explanation. I Use $14.99 instead so it can rank with the compare tool.

(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Mar-21 16:35, Model Metrics 2025-Mar-21 17:04
NameSymbolPriceMonthly Dividend AmountVariable DividendTotal Class A DistributionsTotal DistributionsIssuer
Brompton_Lifeco_Split_CorpLCS$8.19$0.075N$8.13$16.88Brompton Funds
Brompton_Split_Banc_CorpSBC$9.22$0.100N$21.15$26.05Brompton funds
Brompton_Oil_Split_CorpOSP$2.85$0.000N$3.32$12.70Brompton Funds
Dividend_Growth_Split_CorpDGS$6.30$0.100N$15.69$17.56Brompton Funds
E_Split_CorpENS$14.07$0.130NN/AN/AMiddlefield funds
Global_Dividend_Growth_Split_CGDV$10.18$0.100N$6.45$14.81Brompton Funds
Life_Banc_Split_CorpLBS$8.41$0.100N$18.65$21.29Brompton Funds
Real_Estate_Split_Corp.RS$9.61$0.130NN/AN/AMiddlefield funds
Big_Pharma_Split_CorpPRM$13.21$0.103N$8.03$10.96Harvest Portfolios Group
Sustainable_power_&_infrastrucPWI$8.46$0.066N$1.87$3.05Brompton funds
Brompton_Oil_Split_CorpESP$5.34$0.000N$3.32$12.70Brompton Funds

Here is a Limited Version of the Premium - Compare Tool.

A limited number of rows is included with the full metrics. This is a sample only. See link at footer for information on subscription to the premium version

NameSymbolPriceMonthly Dividend AmountVariable DividendCurrent YieldTarget YieldCombined Net Asset ValueNAV As Of DateNAV ThresholdClass A NAV Estimate Class A NavToPrice DeviationTotal Class A DistributionsTotal DistributionsIssuer
Brompton_Lifeco_Split_CorpLCS$8.19$0.075N10.99%6.00%$15.312023-11-02$15.00$5.31-$2.88$8.13$16.88Brompton Funds
Brompton_Split_Banc_CorpSBC$9.22$0.100N13.02%8.00%$16.502023-11-02$15.00$6.44-$2.78$21.15$26.05Brompton funds
Brompton_Oil_Split_CorpOSP$2.85$0.000N0.00%8.00%$14.532023-11-02$15.00$4.53$1.68$3.32$12.70Brompton Funds

Split-Corp share information

Additional Split-Corp information is available here

  1. What is a split share fund by Brompton Funds on youtube.
  2. Split share corporations explained by Passive Income Investing on youtube.

Both of these videos are a good start for you to decide if this is the type of investment vechicle you are comfortable with.