SBN S Split Corp Class A Share
In this page I have compiled the information which allows you to evaluate SBN S Split Corp Class A Share, based on the latest stock information available. Our goal is to provide you with the information and metrics related to the Class A shares of this split-corporation. Your goal is to determine if this issue meets your requirements. These tools will expedite and aid the selection process. Given all the data available here, an informed decision is within reach.
In a market with low volumes you can use this information to identify mispriced shares.
S SPLIT CORP Brief Overview
Visit the S SPLIT CORP company website to see the preferred share prospectus, news and other information.
Sector: Split Share
Main Features of this Spit Share Instrument:
- The Fund is a split share corporation which invests in common shares of The Bank of Nova Scotia. The Fund utilizes Strathbridge’s proprietary SSO covered call writing strategy to enhance the income generated by the portfolio and to reduce volatility
- Preferred Shares: to provide holders of Preferred Shares with fixed cumulative preferential monthly cash distributions in the amount of $0.04375 per Preferred Share ($0.525 per year) representing a yield on the issue price of the Preferred Shares of 5.25% per annum
- Preferred Shares: to return the issue price of $10.00 per Preferred Share to holders of Preferred Shares at the time of redemption of such shares on November 30, 2021
- Class A Shares: to provide holders of Class A Shares with regular monthly cash distributions targeted to be 6.00% per annum on the net asset value (“NAV�) of the Class A Shares
- Class A Shares: to provide holders of Class A Shares with the opportunity for leveraged growth in NAV and distributions per Class A Share.
Premium Income Corporation. offers two type of shares,
- Class A shares
- Preferred shares that pay a quarterly distribution representing a yield of 5.25% per annum on the issue price of $10.00
The latest information and statistics on their common stock SBN, can be easily accessed using websites like TMX Money.
S SPLIT CORP Credit Rating
The latest credit rating for S SPLIT CORP are listed in the table below. For additional information on credit rating agencies and codes see our article Credit Rating Symbols.
S&P Corporate | S&P Preferreds | DBRS Long Term | DBRS Preferreds | S&P Global Corporate | S&P Global Preferreds | Moody's LongTerm |
S SPLIT CORP Class A Share Metrics
Symbol: SBN | Price: $2.63 | Currency: CAD | Name: S Split Corp | : | Dividend: $0.0340 | Target Yield: 6.00% | Current Yield: 15.51% | Dividend Pay Frequency: Monthly | : | Current NAV: $10.88 | NAV As Of Date: 2023-10-31 | NAV Threshold: $15.00 | Class A Only NAV: $0.88 | Class A Issue Price: $15.00 | Variable Dividend: N | Outstanding Float: 412,473 | Total Distributions: $15.38 | Class A Only Distributions: $6.7000 | Issuer Name: Strathbridge |
SBN Net Asset Value vs Threshold over time
The graph below shows relation between the Split Share Net Asset Value and the dividend payout threshold for split shares ( SBN ) over time. Place the mouse cursor over the graph to reveal data like (date, Split Share price detail).Keep in mind if the share price of any of these split shares fall below the threshold of $15.00, the dividend will not be paid out.
SBN Current Yield over time
The graph below shows the Current Yield of the Class A share ( SBN ) over time. Place the mouse cursor over the graph to reveal data like (date, Split Share price detail).Keep in mind if the share price of any of these split shares fall below the threshold, the dividend will not be paid out.
SBN Class A of Split Share Stock Short Position over time
The graph below shows the short position for SBN Class A share over time. Place the mouse cursor over the graph to reveal data like (date, short position detail).Currently the outstanding float for SBN is 821,302 and the latest short position is 50. Thus the current short position is 0.0100% of the outstanding float.