Which E-L Financial Preferred Should I Buy
This compare tool helps you determine Which E-L Financial Preferred you should buy. In this section we provide additional information to help you make the right decision. This information includes
- A number of what if scenarios for the 5 year resets. The scenarios are based on the various yields of the G.O.C. 5 year bond.
- A line graph chart with the historical yields of all preferreds issued.
- Links to the prospectus of each preferred.
Reset Scenarios Based on Various G.O.C. 5 Year Bond Yield Rates
The following table presents 6 scenarios, of the issues resetting based on different 5 Year Bond rates. Each scenario consists of 3 columns and grouped by color. The rates assumed for the reset are as follows:
- Scenario 1: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 1.50%
- Scenario 2: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 2.00%
- Scenario 3: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 2.50%
- Scenario 4: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 3.0%
- Scenario 5: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 3.50%
- Scenario 6: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 4.00%
Note: Only the first 3 "What if scenarios" of the total 6 are available on the Free Site. All 6 scenarios can be viewed in the premium site
For more information please review our video and/or post. Links available at the bottom of the page
Rank Preferreds - Compare Reset Scenarios
(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Feb-14 16:36, Model Metrics 2025-Feb-14 17:01
Credit Rating | Symbol | Reset Date Y/M/D | Current (Yield Dividend) | 5Yr @ 1.50%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 1 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 1.50%. | 5Yr @ 1.50%. Blended (Yield Dividend) | 5Yr @ 1.50%. Rate Change (percent | to value ) | 5Yr @ 2.00%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 2 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 2.00%. | 5Yr @ 2.00%. Blended (Yield Dividend) | 5Yr @ 2.00%. Rate Change (percent | to value ) | 5Yr @ 2.50%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 3 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 2.50%. | 5Yr @ 2.50%. Blended (Yield Dividend) | 5Yr @ 2.50%. Rate Change (percent | to value ) |
Current yields over time
The graph below shows the current yield of each E-L Financial preferred share, over time. Place the mouse cursor over the graph to reveal data like (date, ticker and current Yield).When viewing the graph below keep in mind the following
- The yield has an inverse relationshlp to the share price. As the share price rises towards face value the yield gets lower.
- For 5 year resets, at reset time the yield usually makes a substantial move up or down when the reset takes effect.
Additional Information
Continue to Which E-L should I Buy – Page 1 of 3 where you can find:
- E-L Brief Overview
- Latest E-L Credit Ratings
- E-L Common Share Metrics
- Overall Preferred Share Metrics across all E-L preferreds
Additional Information
Continue to E-L Preferreds Consolidated Short Position Report page 3 of 3 where you can find
- Consolidated Short Position Reports for each E-L Preferred