Which Brookfield Office Properties Preferred should I Buy - canadianpreferredshares.ca

Which Brookfield Office Properties Preferred Should I Buy

This compare tool helps you determine Which Brookfield Office Properties Preferred you Should Buy. In this section we provide additional information to help you make the right decision. This information includes

  1. A number of what if scenarios for the 5 year resets. The scenarios are based on the various yields of the G.O.C. 5 year bond.
  2. A line graph chart with the historical yields of all preferreds issued.
  3. Links to the prospectus of each preferred.


Reset Scenarios Based on Various G.O.C. 5 Year Bond Yield Rates

The following table presents 6 scenarios, of the issues resetting based on different 5 Year Bond rates. Each scenario consists of 3 columns and grouped by color. The rates assumed for the reset are as follows:
  • Scenario 1: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 1.50%
  • Scenario 2: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 2.00%
  • Scenario 3: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 2.50%
  • Scenario 4: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 3.0%
  • Scenario 5: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 3.50%
  • Scenario 6: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 4.00%

Note: Only the first 3 "What if scenarios" of the total 6 are available on the Free Site. All 6 scenarios can be viewed in the premium site

For more information please review our video and/or post. Links available at the bottom of the page

Rank Preferreds - Compare Reset Scenarios

(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Mar-21 16:35, Model Metrics 2025-Mar-21 17:04
Credit RatingSymbolReset Date Y/M/DCurrent (Yield Dividend)
5Yr @ 1.50%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 1 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 1.50%.
5Yr @ 1.50%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 1.50%. Rate Change (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 2.00%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 2 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 2.00%.
5Yr @ 2.00%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 2.00%. Rate Change (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 2.50%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 3 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 2.50%.
5Yr @ 2.50%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 2.50%. Rate Change (percent | to value )
Pfd3LBPO-A BPO.PR.A CA1129006831 2029DEC3109.33% $1.54107.04% $1.1609.32% $1.54051% 7.04%7.79% $1.2909.32% $1.54051% 7.79%8.55% $1.4109.32% $1.54051% 8.55%
Pfd3LBPO-C BPO.PR.C CA1129006674 2026JUN3006.69% $1.52937.31% $1.6707.12% $1.62009% 7.31%7.86% $1.8007.52% $1.71009% 7.86%8.40% $1.9207.88% $1.80009% 8.40%
Pfd3LBPO-E BPO.PR.E CA1129006427 2027MAR3108.22% $1.37408.17% $1.3708.20% $1.37049% 8.17%8.92% $1.4908.60% $1.43049% 8.92%9.66% $1.6209.03% $1.50049% 9.66%
Pfd3LBPO-G BPO.PR.G CA1129006260 2027JUN3009.48% $1.63657.59% $1.3108.53% $1.47044% 7.59%8.31% $1.4408.91% $1.53044% 8.31%9.04% $1.5609.25% $1.59044% 9.04%
Pfd3LBPO-I BPO.PR.I CA1129005924 2027DEC3109.46% $1.58987.22% $1.2108.55% $1.43048% 7.22%7.78% $1.3108.79% $1.47048% 7.78%8.53% $1.4309.08% $1.52048% 8.53%
Pfd3LBPO-N BPO.PR.N CA1129008324 2026JUN3007.27% $1.00188.29% $1.1407.97% $1.09081% 8.29%9.20% $1.2708.63% $1.18081% 9.20%10.10% $1.3909.24% $1.27081% 10.10%
Pfd3LBPO-P BPO.PR.P CA1129008167 2027MAR3108.25% $1.13408.18% $1.1308.23% $1.13081% 8.18%9.09% $1.2508.71% $1.19081% 9.09%10.00% $1.3809.23% $1.26081% 10.00%
Pfd3LBPO-R BPO.PR.R CA1129007821 2026SEP3007.29% $1.07508.44% $1.2508.05% $1.18069% 8.44%9.29% $1.3708.58% $1.26069% 9.29%10.10% $1.5009.16% $1.35068% 10.10%
Pfd3LBPO-T BPO.PR.T CA1129007664 2028DEC3109.81% $1.69756.73% $1.1709.20% $1.59044% 6.73%7.46% $1.2909.34% $1.61044% 7.46%8.18% $1.4209.49% $1.64044% 8.18%

Current yields over time

The graph below shows the current yield of each Brookfield Office Properties I preferred share, over time. Place the mouse cursor over the graph to reveal data like (date, ticker and current Yield).
When viewing the graph below keep in mind the following
  1. The yield has an inverse relationshlp to the share price. As the share price rises towards face value the yield gets lower.
  2. For 5 year resets, at reset time the yield usually makes a substantial move up or down when the reset takes effect.

Brookfield Office Properties Inc Preferred Shares – Prospectus Information

Prospectus Information for each of the Brookfield Office Properties Inc Preferreds is available in the links below. Going over the main parts of the prospectus will ensure you are looking at the right preferred.

BPO.PR.A Series AA converts to Series BB
BPO.PR.C Series CC converts to Series DD
BPO.PR.E Series EE converts to Series FF
BPO.PR.G Series GG converts to Series II
BPO.PR.I Series II converts to Series JJ
BPO.PR.N Series N  converts to Series O
BPO.PR.P Series P  converts to Series Q
BPO.PR.R Series R  converts to Series S
BPO.PR.S Series S  converts to Series R
BPO.PR.T Series T  converts to Series U
BPO.PR.W Series W
BPO.PR.X Series V
BPO.PR.A Series 2
BPO.PR.B Series 3
BPO.PR.C Series 4

Additional Information

Continue to Which Brookfield Office Properties should I Buy – Page 1 of 3 where you can find:

  1. Brookfield Office Properties Brief Overview
  2. Latest Brookfield Office Properties Credit Ratings
  3. Brookfield Office Properties Common Share Metrics
  4. Overall Preferred Share Metrics across all Brookfield Office Properties preferreds

Additional Information

Continue to Brookfield Office Properties Preferreds Consolidated Short Position Report page 3 of 3 where you can find

  1. Consolidated Short Position Reports for each Brookfield Office Properties Preferred