Compare Preferred Shares Of Canadian Utilities

Using this table you can compare all the preferred shares issued by the Canadian Utilities.   All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. The information is presented in a easy to understand format. This way you can pick the right share to purchase or sell.

Compare Preferred Shares Of Canadian Utilities process

Each investor has a unique selection process and looks at the same metric differently.

  1. Some investors looking for high yield over the next 5 years will put more emphasis on the “Blended Yield” metric.
  2. More weight should be given to the “Rating” metric if you are looking for the highest credit worthy issues.
  3. Good value is indicated by metric “Rate increase percent”.  This also highlights the stocks with the most room for capital gains if rates start going up.

We expect each investor to review the various metrics and make a determination on the totality of their values while at the same time expressing their personal investing style. If you need more information on how to use the metrics below, see our how to YouTube video  or our post how to pick the best preferred share of a company.


Table to Compare Preferred Shares Of Canadian Utilities

The following metrics are now only available on the premium version of this tool:

  1. Reset Date.
  2. Reset (Yield | Dividend).
  3. Blended (Yield | Dividend). A (What If) scenario. It represents the blended yield and dividend for the current issue. It should only be used as a reference. It is not meant to show actual returns for Yield/Dividend. This metric has merit only when applied across all issues being considered.
  4. Rate Increase Percent.
  5. Rate Increase To Value.
  6. New Spread increase.
  7. New Spread Value. This reflects the effect or the current price on the issue spread of the preferred. It shows the effective new spread of the share due to its drop or rise of its share value
  8. Short Position.
  9. Additional Features.
  10. Years To Double Initial Investment.
  11. Outstanding float. This is the outstanding float for this preferred.
  12. Market Cap In Bilions.
  13. Common Stock P/E Ratio.
  14. Common Stock P/B Ratio.
  15. Common Stock Yield. Current yield of the common. Should be considered if preferred yield is lower.
Last Updated: Market Data Apr-05 19:46, Model Metrics Apr-05 20:25
Credit RatingSymbolPrice52W High52W Low
Fixed Rate Baseyield and dividend for the current issue based on last night’s closing stock price
Current (Yield Dividend)Name
NRINE-C INE.PR.C CA45790B7088 $25.00$25.50$22.50perpetual @ 5.75%05.76% $1.4400Innergex_Renewable_Power_Series_C_Perpetual
NRAZP-A AZP.PR.A CA04878R1010 $21.44$22.05$13.24perpetual @ 4.85%05.64% $1.2100Atlantic_Power_4.85%_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preferred_Shares,_Series_I
Pfd3HBEP-E BEP.PR.E BMG162581570 $25.08$25.37$18.00perpetual @ 5.59%05.57% $1.3976Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.59%,_Series_5
Pfd3HENB-A ENB.PR.A CA29250N2041 $25.30$25.49$19.67perpetual @ 5.50%05.44% $1.3752Enbridge_Perpetual_5.50%_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares,_Series_A
Pfd3HBRF-F BRF.PR.F CA11283Q7012 $23.78$24.47$16.28perpetual @ 5.00%05.26% $1.2520Brookfield_Renewable_Power_Preferred_Equity_5.00%,_Series_6
Pfd3HBRF-E BRF.PR.E CA11283Q6022 $23.85$24.58$16.50perpetual @ 5.00%05.25% $1.2520Brookfield_Renewable_Power_Preferred_Equity_5.00%,_Series_5
Pfd2HCU-H CU.PR.H CA1367176346 $26.00$26.18$20.55perpetual @ 5.25%05.04% $1.3100Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._5.25%,_Series_EE
Pfd2HCU-E CU.PR.E CA1367176676 $24.97$25.25$19.51perpetual @ 4.90%04.93% $1.2300Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.90%,_Series_BB
Pfd2HCU-D CU.PR.D CA1367176759 $25.00$25.39$19.36perpetual @ 4.90%04.92% $1.2300Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.90%,_Series_AA
Pfd3HFTS-F FTS.PR.F CA3495538678 $25.10$26.51$20.37perpetual @ 4.90%04.90% $1.2300Fortis_Inc._4.90%,_Series_F
Pfd3HFTS-J FTS.PR.J CA3495537928 $24.40$25.00$19.32perpetual @ 4.75%04.88% $1.1900Fortis_Inc._4.75%,_Series_J
Pfd2HCU-G CU.PR.G CA1367176429 $23.75$24.47$17.83perpetual @ 4.50%04.76% $1.1300Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.50%,_Series_DD
Pfd2HCU-F CU.PR.F CA1367176593 $23.80$24.67$18.54perpetual @ 4.50%04.75% $1.1300Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.50%,_Series_CC
Pfd2HCIU-A CIU.PR.A CA22944C2058 $24.35$24.42$17.75perpetual @ 4.60%04.72% $1.1500CU_Inc_4.6%_Series_1
NREMA-E EMA.PR.E CA2908767056 $24.40$24.95$18.11perpetual @ 4.50%04.63% $1.1300Cumulative_Emera_Inc._4.50%,_Series_E
NRAZP-B AZP.PR.B CA04878R2000 $21.45$22.05$13.255yr + 4.18%06.69% $1.4347Atlantic_Power_7.0%_Cumulative_Rate_Reset_Preferred_Shares,_Series_II
NRCSE-A CSE.PR.A CA14069Q5077 $15.07$15.41$9.145yr + 2.71%05.43% $0.8176Capstone_Infrastructure_Corp._3.271%,_Series_A
Pfd3LCPX-G CPX.PR.G CA14042M8887 $25.50$25.73$22.115yr min 6% + 5.26%05.88% $1.5000Capital_Power_Corp._6.00%,_Series_7
Pfd3LTA-H TA.PR.H CA89346D7273 $19.99$20.40$11.705yr + 3.65%06.50% $1.3000TransAlta_Corp._5.194%,_Series_E
Pfd3LTA-J TA.PR.J CA89346D6770 $20.65$21.20$12.055yr + 3.80%06.04% $1.2470TransAlta_Corp._5.30%,_Serie_G
Pfd3LTA-F TA.PR.F CA89346D7356 $17.20$17.50$9.565yr + 3.10%05.86% $1.0080TransAlta_Corp._4.027%,_Series_C
Pfd3HBEP-I BEP.PR.I BMG162581653 $25.40$25.68$19.885yr min 5.75% + 5.01%05.65% $1.4360Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.75%,_Series_9
Pfd3PPL-M PPL.PR.M CA7063278559 $25.26$25.80$18.495yr min 5.75% + 4.96%05.70% $1.4400Pembina_Pipeline_Corp_5.75%__PREF_SER_13
Pfd3HENB-N ENB.PR.N CA29250N7743 $18.62$18.94$12.055yr + 2.65%06.83% $1.2712Enbridge_Series_N,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3HENB-J ENB.PR.J CA29250N6422 $17.51$17.74$11.015yr + 2.57%06.35% $1.1122Enbridge_Inc._4.40%,_Series_7
Pfd3HENB-P ENB.PR.P CA29250N7586 $17.19$17.60$10.805yr + 2.50%06.35% $1.0920Enbridge_Series_P,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3HENB-F ENB.PR.F CA29250N8659 $17.45$17.87$10.925yr + 2.51%06.72% $1.1720Enbridge_Series_F,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3HENB-H ENB.PR.H CA29250N8402 $16.20$16.50$10.095yr + 2.12%06.74% $1.0920Enbridge__Series_H,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3HENB.PF.A ENB.PF.A CA29250N6265 $17.46$17.74$11.255yr + 2.66%05.87% $1.0242Enbridge_Inc._4.40%,_Series_9
Pfd3HENB-T ENB.PR.T CA29250N7339 $16.95$17.26$10.605yr + 2.50%06.01% $1.0184Enbridge_Series_R,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3HENB-D ENB.PR.D CA29250N8816 $16.65$16.86$10.305yr + 2.37%06.70% $1.1148Enbridge_Series_D,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd2LTRP-J TRP.PR.J CA87807B8345 $25.27$25.83$21.995yr min 5.5% + 4.69%05.42% $1.3700TC_Energy_-_Series_13
Pfd3LCPX-C CPX.PR.C CA14042M5081 $21.50$21.87$14.005yr + 3.23%06.33% $1.3600Capital_Power_Corp._5.453%,_Series_3
Pfd3LCPX-K CPX.PR.K CA14042M8473 $25.62$26.97$21.005yr min 5.75% + 4.15%05.61% $1.4376Capital_Power_Corp._5.75%,_Series_11
Pfd3HBEP-O BEP.PR.O BMG162582156 $25.63$26.80$20.005yr min 5.75% + 3.49%05.61% $1.4375Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.75%,_Series_15
Pfd3LCPX-I CPX.PR.I CA14042M8622 $25.70$25.88$21.085yr min 5.75% + 4.12%05.60% $1.4400Capital_Power_Corp._5.75%,_Series_9
Pfd3PPL-A PPL.PR.A CA7063272024 $18.95$19.05$10.605yr + 2.47%06.47% $1.2265Pembina_Pipeline_Corp_4.25%_PREF_SER_1
Pfd3HENB-Y ENB.PR.Y CA29250N6836 $16.40$16.83$10.245yr + 2.38%05.70% $0.9344Enbridge_Series_3,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3HENB.PF.C ENB.PF.C CA29250N5929 $17.60$17.75$11.065yr + 2.64%05.60% $0.9852Enbridge_Inc._4.40%,_Series_11
Pfd3LCPX-E CPX.PR.E CA14042M7061 $20.96$21.00$13.005yr + 3.15%06.25% $1.3100Capital_Power_Corp._5.238%,_Series_5
Pfd3PPL-C PPL.PR.C CA7063274004 $18.66$19.02$10.065yr + 2.60%05.99% $1.1175Pembina_Pipeline_Corp_4.7%__PREF_SER_3
Pfd3LALA-E ALA.PR.E CA0213618030 $21.92$22.81$13.055yr + 3.17%06.15% $1.35AltaGas_Ltd._5%_Series_E
Pfd3HW-M W.PR.M CA95751D1289 $25.30$26.12$19.505yr min 5.20% + 4.52%05.14% $1.3000Westcoast_Energy_Inc._5.20%,_Series_12
Pfd3LTA-D TA.PR.D CA89346D7687 $13.30$13.50$7.305yr + 2.03%05.41% $0.7193TransAlta_Corp._2.709%,_Series__A
Pfd3HENB-B ENB.PR.B CA29250N7099 $15.85$16.31$9.525yr + 2.40%05.39% $0.8536Enbridge_Series_B_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3PPL-Q PPL.PR.Q CA7063278146 $21.01$21.16$11.005yr + 3.01%05.74% $1.2053Pembina_Pipeline_Corp._4.821%,_Series_17
Pfd3PPL-E PPL.PR.E CA7063271117 $20.45$20.52$10.585yr + 3.00%05.57% $1.1400Pembina_Pipeline_Corp_5.0%__PREF_SER_5
Pfd3PPL-G PPL.PR.G CA7063276082 $20.05$19.05$10.605yr + 2.94%05.46% $1.0950Pembina_Pipeline_Corp_4.5%__PREF_SER_7
Pfd3HBEP-G BEP.PR.G BMG162581323 $26.15$27.01$19.705yr min 5.5% + 4.47%05.26% $1.3750Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.50%,_Series_7
Pfd3PPL.PF.C PPL.PF.C CA7063277494 $25.04$25.22$15.615yr min 5.25% + 3.65%05.23% $1.3100PPL_Series_23_Shares
Pfd3PPL.PF.E PPL.PF.E CA7063277239 $25.00$25.10$15.205yr min 5.2% + 3.51%05.28% $1.3200PPL_Series_25_Shares,_KML_Series_25_min_5.2
Pfd3LALA-G ALA.PR.G CA0213618865 $20.40$20.50$10.735yr + 3.06%05.20% $1.06AltaGas_Ltd._4.75%_Series_G
Pfd3HBRF-C BRF.PR.C CA11283Q4043 $20.62$20.92$12.405yr + 2.94%05.27% $1.0876Brookfield_Renewable_Power_4.40%,_Series_3
Pfd3HENB.PF.I ENB.PF.I CA29250N5358 $25.30$25.61$19.755yr min 5.15% + 4.14%05.06% $1.2800Enbridge_Series_17,_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares
Pfd3PPL-O PPL.PR.O CA7063278302 $20.12$20.38$9.425yr + 2.92%05.57% $1.1200Pembina_Pipeline_Corp._4.464%,_Series_15
NRNPI-C NPI.PR.C CA6665116050 $23.15$24.00$14.495yr + 3.46%05.49% $1.2700Northland_Power_Inc._5.08%,_Series_3
NRINE-A INE.PR.A CA45790B5009 $16.35$16.76$10.655yr + 2.79%04.96% $0.8108Innergex_Renewable_Energy_Inc._3.608%
Pfd3PPL.PF.A PPL.PF.A CA7063277643 $24.43$24.99$15.515yr min 4.9% + 3.26%05.01% $1.2250Class_A_Preferred_Shares,_Series_21
Pfd3PPL-S PPL.PR.S CA7063277809 $24.10$24.15$11.605yr + 4.27%04.86% $1.1710Pembina_Pipeline_Corp._5.00%,_Series_19
Pfd3HBEP-M BEP.PR.M BMG162584053 $25.11$25.28$17.505yr min 5.0% + 3.00%04.99% $1.2520Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.00%,_Series_13
Pfd3LALA-K ALA.PR.K CA0213618378 $25.20$25.57$16.005yr min 5% + 3.80%04.97% $1.25AltaGas_Ltd._5%_Series_K
Pfd3HBEP-K BEP.PR.K BMG162581992 $25.25$25.46$17.405yr min 5.0% + 3.28%04.96% $1.2520Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.00%,_Series_11
Pfd3LAQN-D AQN.PR.D CA0158575013 $23.99$24.39$14.905yr + 3.28%05.30% $1.27Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp._Cumulative_Rate_Reset_Preferred_Shares_Series_D
Pfd3HENB.PF.K ENB.PF.K CA29250N5192 $24.87$24.87$18.355yr min 4.9% + 3.17%04.93% $1.2250Enbridge_Inc._4.90%,_Series_19
Pfd2LTRP-A TRP.PR.A CA87807B2066 $16.92$17.42$10.595yr + 1.92%05.14% $0.8698TC_Energy_series_1
Pfd3HENB.PF.E ENB.PF.E CA29250N5762 $16.20$16.70$10.255yr + 2.66%04.70% $0.7608Enbridge_Inc._4.40%,_Series_13
Pfd3LAQN-A AQN.PR.A CA0158573034 $23.70$23.99$14.205yr + 2.94%05.44% $1.29Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp.Cumulative_Rate_Reset_Preferred_Shares_Series_A
Pfd2LTRP-K TRP.PR.K CA87807B8188 $25.38$26.11$19.505yr min 4.9% + 3.85%04.81% $1.2200TC_Energy-series_15
Pfd3HENB.PF.G ENB.PF.G CA29250N5507 $16.10$16.62$10.265yr + 2.68%04.63% $0.7458Enbridge_Inc._4.40%,_Series_15
NREMA-H EMA.PR.H CA2908768617 $25.60$26.01$21.985yr min 4.9% + 2.54%04.80% $1.2300Cumulative_Emera_Inc._Min_4.90%,_Series_H
Pfd2LTRP-D TRP.PR.D CA87807B8006 $19.34$19.75$11.465yr + 2.38%05.04% $0.9756TC_Energy-series_7
Pfd2LTRP-E TRP.PR.E CA87807B8758 $19.16$19.68$11.525yr + 2.35%04.91% $0.9404TC_Energy-series_9
NREMA-F EMA.PR.F CA2908768047 $21.40$21.60$13.645yr + 2.63%04.91% $1.0504Cumulative_Emera_Inc._4.25%,_Series_F
Pfd3PPL-I PPL.PR.I CA7063278062 $22.99$23.11$11.645yr + 3.91%04.68% $1.0755Pembina_Pipeline_Corp_4.75%__PREF_SER_9
Pfd3LCPX-A CPX.PR.A CA14042M3003 $14.23$14.46$7.905yr + 2.17%04.60% $0.6553Capital_Power_Corp._3.06%,_Series_1
Pfd3HFTS-G FTS.PR.G CA3495538348 $19.76$20.35$13.405yr + 2.13%05.57% $1.1000Fortis_Inc._4.393%,_Series_G
Pfd3HFTS-K FTS.PR.K CA3495537845 $18.91$19.22$12.755yr + 2.05%05.19% $0.9823Fortis_Inc._4.00%,_Series_K
Pfd3HFTS-M FTS.PR.M CA3495537688 $20.42$21.19$14.175yr + 2.48%04.83% $0.9864Fortis_Inc._4.10%,_Series_M
NREMA-C EMA.PR.C CA2908765076 $22.38$22.90$13.665yr + 2.65%05.27% $1.1800Cumulative_Emera_Inc._4.721%,_Series_C
Pfd3LALA-A ALA.PR.A CA0213612090 $17.23$17.64$9.205yr + 2.66%04.44% $0.77AltaGas_Ltd._3.38%_Series_A
NRNPI-A NPI.PR.A CA6665113081 $18.23$18.25$10.775yr + 2.80%04.39% $0.8004Northland_Power_Inc._3.51%,_Series_1
Pfd2HCU-I CU.PR.I CA1367176262 $26.10$26.48$21.275yr min 4.5% + 3.69%04.31% $1.1250Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.50%,_Series_FF
Pfd3HBRF-A BRF.PR.A CA11283Q2062 $19.48$19.54$10.745yr + 2.62%04.03% $0.7843Brookfield_Renewable_Power_3.355%,_Series_1
Pfd2HCU-C CU.PR.C CA1367176916 $20.66$20.97$13.005yr + 2.40%04.11% $0.8500Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._3.40%,_Series_Y
Pfd2LTRP-G TRP.PR.G CA87807B8592 $20.85$21.44$13.045yr + 2.96%04.02% $0.8378TC_Energy-series_11
Pfd2HCIU-C CIU.PR.C CA22944C5028 $14.60$15.75$8.505yr + 1.36%03.84% $0.5600Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._2.24%_5YR_RT_RES_CUM_RED_PFD_SER_4
Pfd2LTRP-C TRP.PR.C CA87807B6026 $13.90$14.15$7.925yr + 1.54%03.51% $0.4873TC_Energy_-_Series_5
NREMA-A EMA.PR.A CA2908763097 $16.13$16.34$9.365yr + 1.84%03.38% $0.5455Cumulative_Emera_Inc._2.555%,_Series_A
Pfd3HFTS-H FTS.PR.H CA3495538264 $14.00$14.13$9.165yr + 1.45%03.28% $0.4588Fortis_Inc._2.50%,_Series_H
Pfd2LTRP-B TRP.PR.B CA87807B4047 $12.92$12.92$7.005yr + 1.28%03.19% $0.4123TC_Energy_-_Series_3

Here is a Limited Version of the Premium - Compare Tool.

A limited number of rows is included with the full metrics. This is a sample only. See link at footer for information on subscription to the premium version

Last Updated: Market Data Apr-05 19:46, Model Metrics Apr-05 20:25
Credit RatingSymbolPrice52W High52W Low
Fixed Rate Baseyield and dividend for the current issue based on last night’s closing stock price
Current (Yield Dividend)
Reset (Yield Dividend)yield and dividend for the current issue after the upcoming reset
Blended (Yield Dividend)follow link passed the end of the table to see definition
Yield To CallReset Date Y/M/DRate Increase percentRate Increase to valueNew Spread IncreaseNew Spread valueShort PositionAdditional FeaturesYears To Double Initial InvestmentP/E RatioMarket Cap In BillionsP/B RatioCommon Stock YieldProjected Common Stock YieldOutstanding FloatName
NRINE-C INE.PR.C CA45790B7088 $25.00$25.50$22.50perpetual @ 5.75%05.76% $1.4400N/A05.76% $1.4400N/Aperpetual000%5.75%N/AN/A3,427Cumulative12.37#N/A3.83 B8.133.28%0.00%2,000,000Innergex_Renewable_Power_Series_C_Perpetual
NRAZP-A AZP.PR.A CA04878R1010 $21.44$22.05$13.24perpetual @ 4.85%05.64% $1.2100N/A05.64% $1.2100N/Aperpetual016%5.66%N/AN/A1,050Cumulative12.634.850.261 B4.85535.91%0.00%3,599,606Atlantic_Power_4.85%_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preferred_Shares,_Series_I
Pfd3HBEP-E BEP.PR.E BMG162581570 $25.08$25.37$18.00perpetual @ 5.59%05.57% $1.3976N/A05.57% $1.3976N/Aperpetual-0%5.57%N/AN/A3,001Cumulative DTCEPI12.78#N/A15.0 B0.805.58%0.00%2,885,496Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.59%,_Series_5
Pfd3HENB-A ENB.PR.A CA29250N2041 $25.30$25.49$19.67perpetual @ 5.50%05.44% $1.3752N/A05.44% $1.3752N/Aperpetual-1%5.43%N/AN/A14,375Cumulative13.0831.3674.8 B1.617.22%0.00%5,000,000Enbridge_Perpetual_5.50%_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares,_Series_A
Pfd3HBRF-F BRF.PR.F CA11283Q7012 $23.78$24.47$16.28perpetual @ 5.00%05.26% $1.2520N/A05.26% $1.2520N/Aperpetual005%5.26%N/AN/A48,240Cumulative13.51#N/A15.0 B0.805.58%0.00%7,000,000Brookfield_Renewable_Power_Preferred_Equity_5.00%,_Series_6


Reset Scenarios Based on Various G.O.C. 5 Year Bond Yield Rates

The following table presents 6 scenarios, of the issues resetting based on different 5 Year Bond rates. Each scenario consists of 3 columns and grouped by color. The rates assumed for the reset are as follows:
  • Scenario 1: 5YR GOC Rate is set at -0.50%
  • Scenario 2: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 0.01%
  • Scenario 3: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 0.40%
  • Scenario 4: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 0.80%
  • Scenario 5: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 1.20%
  • Scenario 6: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 1.60%

Note: Only the first 3 "What if scenarios" of the total 6 are available on the Free Site. All 6 scenarios can be viewed in the premium site

For more information please review our video and/or post. Links available at the bottom of the page

Rank Preferreds - Compare Reset Scenarios

Last Updated: Market Data Apr-05 19:46, Model Metrics Apr-05 20:25
Credit RatingSymbolReset Date Y/M/DCurrent (Yield Dividend)
5Yr @ -0.50%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 1 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ -0.50%.
5Yr @ -0.50%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ -0.50%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 0.01%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 2 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 0.01%.
5Yr @ 0.01%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 0.01%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 0.40%. Reset (Yield Dividend)Scenario: 3 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 0.40%.
5Yr @ 0.40%. Blended (Yield Dividend)5Yr @ 0.40%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
NRAZP-B AZP.PR.B CA04878R2000 2024DEC3106.69% $1.43474.29% $0.9205.96% $1.28016% 4.29%4.88% $1.0506.15% $1.31016% 4.88%5.34% $1.1506.29% $1.34016% 5.34%
NRCSE-A CSE.PR.A CA14069Q5077 2021JUL3105.43% $0.81763.67% $0.5503.75% $0.56066% 3.67%4.51% $0.6804.55% $0.68065% 4.51%5.16% $0.7705.17% $0.77065% 5.16%
Pfd3LCPX-G CPX.PR.G CA14042M8887 2021DEC3105.88% $1.50005.88% $1.5 05.88% $1.5 -2% 5.88%5.88% $1.5 05.88% $1.5 -2% 5.88%5.88% $1.5 05.88% $1.5 -2% 5.88%
Pfd3LTA-H TA.PR.H CA89346D7273 2022SEP3006.50% $1.30003.94% $0.7804.58% $0.91025% 3.94%4.58% $0.9105.05% $1.01025% 4.58%5.07% $1.0105.41% $1.08025% 5.07%
Pfd3LTA-J TA.PR.J CA89346D6770 2024SEP3006.04% $1.24704.00% $0.8205.32% $1.09021% 4.00%4.61% $0.9505.54% $1.14021% 4.61%5.08% $1.0505.70% $1.17021% 5.08%
Pfd3LTA-F TA.PR.F CA89346D7356 2022JUN3005.86% $1.00803.78% $0.6504.19% $0.72045% 3.78%4.52% $0.7704.79% $0.82045% 4.52%5.09% $0.8705.24% $0.90045% 5.09%
Pfd3HBEP-I BEP.PR.I BMG162581653 2021JUL3105.65% $1.43605.66% $1.4405.66% $1.43-1% 5.66%5.66% $1.4405.66% $1.43-1% 5.66%5.66% $1.4405.66% $1.43-1% 5.66%
Pfd3PPL-M PPL.PR.M CA7063278559 2021JUN0105.70% $1.44005.69% $1.4405.70% $1.44-1% 5.69%5.69% $1.4405.70% $1.44-1% 5.69%5.69% $1.4405.70% $1.44-1% 5.69%
Pfd3HENB-N ENB.PR.N CA29250N7743 2023DEC0106.83% $1.27122.89% $0.5304.85% $0.90034% 2.89%3.57% $0.6605.19% $0.96034% 3.57%4.10% $0.7605.46% $1.01034% 4.10%
Pfd3HENB-J ENB.PR.J CA29250N6422 2024MAR0106.35% $1.11222.96% $0.5104.82% $0.84043% 2.96%3.68% $0.6405.15% $0.90042% 3.68%4.24% $0.7405.40% $0.94042% 4.24%
Pfd3HENB-P ENB.PR.P CA29250N7586 2024MAR0106.35% $1.09202.91% $0.5 04.80% $0.82045% 2.91%3.65% $0.6205.13% $0.88045% 3.65%4.22% $0.7205.39% $0.92045% 4.22%
Pfd3HENB-F ENB.PR.F CA29250N8659 2023JUN0106.72% $1.17202.88% $0.5004.41% $0.77043% 2.88%3.61% $0.6304.85% $0.84043% 3.61%4.17% $0.7205.18% $0.90043% 4.17%
Pfd3HENB-H ENB.PR.H CA29250N8402 2023SEP0106.74% $1.09202.50% $0.4004.40% $0.71054% 2.50%3.29% $0.5304.84% $0.78054% 3.29%3.89% $0.6305.17% $0.83054% 3.89%
Pfd3HENB.PF.A ENB.PF.A CA29250N6265 2024DEC0105.87% $1.02423.09% $0.5405.03% $0.87043% 3.09%3.82% $0.6605.25% $0.91043% 3.82%4.38% $0.7605.42% $0.94043% 4.38%
Pfd3HENB-T ENB.PR.T CA29250N7339 2024JUN0106.01% $1.01842.95% $0.5 04.78% $0.81047% 2.95%3.70% $0.6205.08% $0.86047% 3.70%4.28% $0.7205.31% $0.90047% 4.28%
Pfd3HENB-D ENB.PR.D CA29250N8816 2023MAR0106.70% $1.11482.81% $0.4604.17% $0.69050% 2.81%3.57% $0.5904.66% $0.77050% 3.57%4.16% $0.6905.04% $0.84050% 4.16%
Pfd2LTRP-J TRP.PR.J CA87807B8345 2021MAY3105.42% $1.37005.44% $1.3805.46% $1.38-1% 5.44%5.44% $1.3805.46% $1.38-1% 5.44%5.44% $1.3805.46% $1.38-1% 5.44%
Pfd3LCPX-C CPX.PR.C CA14042M5081 2023DEC3106.33% $1.36003.17% $0.6804.75% $1.02016% 3.17%3.77% $0.8105.04% $1.08016% 3.77%4.22% $0.9005.27% $1.13016% 4.22%
Pfd3LCPX-K CPX.PR.K CA14042M8473 2024JUN3005.61% $1.43765.61% $1.4405.61% $1.43-2% 5.61%5.61% $1.4405.61% $1.43-2% 5.61%5.61% $1.4405.61% $1.43-2% 5.61%
Pfd3HBEP-O BEP.PR.O BMG162582156 2024APR3005.61% $1.43755.61% $1.4405.61% $1.43-2% 5.61%5.61% $1.4405.61% $1.43-2% 5.61%5.61% $1.4405.61% $1.43-2% 5.61%
Pfd3LCPX-I CPX.PR.I CA14042M8622 2022SEP3005.60% $1.44005.59% $1.4405.60% $1.44-2% 5.59%5.59% $1.4405.60% $1.44-2% 5.59%5.59% $1.4405.60% $1.44-2% 5.59%
Pfd3PPL-A PPL.PR.A CA7063272024 2023DEC0106.47% $1.22652.60% $0.4904.53% $0.85032% 2.60%3.27% $0.6204.87% $0.92031% 3.27%3.79% $0.7105.13% $0.97032% 3.79%
Pfd3HENB-Y ENB.PR.Y CA29250N6836 2024SEP0105.70% $0.93442.87% $0.4704.70% $0.77052% 2.87%3.64% $0.5904.97% $0.81052% 3.64%4.24% $0.6905.18% $0.85052% 4.24%
Pfd3HENB.PF.C ENB.PF.C CA29250N5929 2025MAR0105.60% $0.98523.04% $0.5304.95% $0.87042% 3.04%3.76% $0.6605.14% $0.90041% 3.76%4.32% $0.7605.27% $0.92042% 4.32%
Pfd3LCPX-E CPX.PR.E CA14042M7061 2023JUN3006.25% $1.31003.16% $0.6604.39% $0.92019% 3.16%3.77% $0.7904.76% $0.99019% 3.77%4.23% $0.8805.04% $1.05019% 4.23%
Pfd3PPL-C PPL.PR.C CA7063274004 2024MAR0105.99% $1.11752.81% $0.5204.55% $0.85033% 2.81%3.50% $0.6504.86% $0.90034% 3.50%4.02% $0.7505.10% $0.95034% 4.02%
Pfd3LALA-E ALA.PR.E CA0213618030 2023DEC3106.15% $1.353.05% $0.6604.60% $1.00014% 3.05%3.63% $0.7904.89% $1.07014% 3.63%4.07% $0.8905.11% $1.12014% 4.07%
Pfd3HW-M W.PR.M CA95751D1289 2021OCT1505.14% $1.30005.14% $1.3 05.13% $1.30-1% 5.14%5.14% $1.3 05.13% $1.30-1% 5.14%5.14% $1.3 05.13% $1.30-1% 5.14%
Pfd3LTA-D TA.PR.D CA89346D7687 2026MAR3105.41% $0.71932.88% $0.3805.28% $0.70088% 2.88%3.83% $0.5105.32% $0.70087% 3.83%4.57% $0.6005.36% $0.71088% 4.57%
Pfd3HENB-B ENB.PR.B CA29250N7099 2022JUN0105.39% $0.85363.00% $0.4703.47% $0.55057% 3.00%3.80% $0.6004.12% $0.65057% 3.80%4.42% $0.7 04.61% $0.73057% 4.42%
Pfd3PPL-Q PPL.PR.Q CA7063278146 2024MAR3105.74% $1.20532.99% $0.6204.50% $0.94019% 2.99%3.59% $0.7504.77% $1.00018% 3.59%4.06% $0.8504.98% $1.04019% 4.06%
Pfd3PPL-E PPL.PR.E CA7063271117 2024JUN0105.57% $1.14003.06% $0.6204.56% $0.93022% 3.06%3.68% $0.7504.81% $0.98022% 3.68%4.16% $0.8505.00% $1.02022% 4.16%
Pfd3PPL-G PPL.PR.G CA7063276082 2024DEC0105.46% $1.09503.04% $0.6104.73% $0.94024% 3.04%3.68% $0.7304.92% $0.98024% 3.68%4.16% $0.8305.07% $1.01024% 4.16%
Pfd3HBEP-G BEP.PR.G BMG162581323 2026JAN3105.26% $1.37505.26% $1.3805.25% $1.37-4% 5.26%5.26% $1.3805.25% $1.37-4% 5.26%5.26% $1.3805.25% $1.37-4% 5.26%
Pfd3PPL.PF.C PPL.PF.C CA7063277494 2022NOV1505.23% $1.31005.24% $1.3105.23% $1.31-0% 5.24%5.24% $1.3105.23% $1.31-0% 5.24%5.24% $1.3105.23% $1.31-0% 5.24%
Pfd3PPL.PF.E PPL.PF.E CA7063277239 2023FEB1505.28% $1.32005.20% $1.3 05.22% $1.30000% 5.20%5.20% $1.3 05.22% $1.30000% 5.20%5.20% $1.3 05.22% $1.30000% 5.20%
Pfd3LALA-G ALA.PR.G CA0213618865 2024SEP3005.20% $1.063.14% $0.6404.47% $0.91022% 3.14%3.76% $0.7604.69% $0.95022% 3.76%4.24% $0.8604.86% $0.99022% 4.24%
Pfd3HBRF-C BRF.PR.C CA11283Q4043 2024JUL3105.27% $1.08762.96% $0.6104.46% $0.92021% 2.96%3.58% $0.7304.68% $0.96021% 3.58%4.05% $0.8304.84% $0.99021% 4.05%
Pfd3HENB.PF.I ENB.PF.I CA29250N5358 2022MAR0105.06% $1.28005.09% $1.2905.09% $1.28-1% 5.09%5.09% $1.2905.09% $1.28-1% 5.09%5.09% $1.2905.09% $1.28-1% 5.09%
Pfd3PPL-O PPL.PR.O CA7063278302 2022SEP3005.57% $1.12003.01% $0.6003.64% $0.73024% 3.01%3.64% $0.7304.12% $0.82024% 3.64%4.13% $0.8304.48% $0.90024% 4.13%
NRNPI-C NPI.PR.C CA6665116050 2022DEC3105.49% $1.27003.20% $0.7403.88% $0.89008% 3.20%3.75% $0.8604.27% $0.98008% 3.75%4.17% $0.9604.56% $1.05008% 4.17%
NRINE-A INE.PR.A CA45790B5009 2026JAN1504.96% $0.81083.50% $0.5704.88% $0.79052% 3.50%4.28% $0.7 04.92% $0.80052% 4.28%4.88% $0.7904.95% $0.81053% 4.88%
Pfd3PPL.PF.A PPL.PF.A CA7063277643 2023MAR0105.01% $1.22505.01% $1.2305.02% $1.22002% 5.01%5.01% $1.2305.02% $1.22002% 5.01%5.01% $1.2305.02% $1.22002% 5.01%
Pfd3PPL-S PPL.PR.S CA7063277809 2025JUN3004.86% $1.17103.91% $0.9404.66% $1.12003% 3.91%4.44% $1.0704.77% $1.15003% 4.44%4.84% $1.1704.85% $1.17003% 4.84%
Pfd3HBEP-M BEP.PR.M BMG162584053 2023APR3004.99% $1.25204.98% $1.2504.98% $1.25-0% 4.98%4.98% $1.2504.98% $1.25-0% 4.98%4.98% $1.2504.98% $1.25-0% 4.98%
Pfd3LALA-K ALA.PR.K CA0213618378 2022MAR3104.97% $1.254.96% $1.2504.96% $1.25-0% 4.96%4.96% $1.2504.96% $1.25-0% 4.96%4.96% $1.2504.96% $1.25-0% 4.96%
Pfd3HBEP-K BEP.PR.K BMG162581992 2022APR3004.96% $1.25204.95% $1.2504.95% $1.25-1% 4.95%4.95% $1.2504.95% $1.25-1% 4.95%4.95% $1.2504.95% $1.25-1% 4.95%
Pfd3LAQN-D AQN.PR.D CA0158575013 2024MAR3105.30% $1.272.90% $0.6904.21% $1.01004% 2.90%3.43% $0.8204.45% $1.06004% 3.43%3.83% $0.9204.63% $1.11004% 3.83%
Pfd3HENB.PF.K ENB.PF.K CA29250N5192 2023MAR0104.93% $1.22504.93% $1.2304.93% $1.22000% 4.93%4.93% $1.2304.93% $1.22000% 4.93%4.93% $1.2304.93% $1.22000% 4.93%
Pfd2LTRP-A TRP.PR.A CA87807B2066 2024DEC3105.14% $0.86982.10% $0.3504.22% $0.71047% 2.10%2.85% $0.4804.45% $0.75047% 2.85%3.43% $0.5804.62% $0.78047% 3.43%
Pfd3HENB.PF.E ENB.PF.E CA29250N5762 2025JUN0104.70% $0.76083.33% $0.5404.42% $0.71054% 3.33%4.12% $0.6604.58% $0.74054% 4.12%4.72% $0.7604.70% $0.76054% 4.72%
Pfd3LAQN-A AQN.PR.A CA0158573034 2023DEC3105.44% $1.292.57% $0.6104.00% $0.95005% 2.57%3.11% $0.7304.27% $1.01005% 3.11%3.52% $0.8304.48% $1.06005% 3.52%
Pfd2LTRP-K TRP.PR.K CA87807B8188 2022MAY3104.81% $1.22004.83% $1.2304.83% $1.22-1% 4.83%4.83% $1.2304.83% $1.22-1% 4.83%4.83% $1.2304.83% $1.22-1% 4.83%
Pfd3HENB.PF.G ENB.PF.G CA29250N5507 2025SEP0104.63% $0.74583.39% $0.5404.44% $0.71055% 3.39%4.18% $0.6704.56% $0.73055% 4.18%4.78% $0.7704.65% $0.74055% 4.78%
NREMA-H EMA.PR.H CA2908768617 2023AUG1504.80% $1.23004.79% $1.2304.80% $1.23-2% 4.79%4.79% $1.2304.80% $1.23-2% 4.79%4.79% $1.2304.80% $1.23-2% 4.79%
Pfd2LTRP-D TRP.PR.D CA87807B8006 2024APR3005.04% $0.97562.43% $0.4703.99% $0.77029% 2.43%3.09% $0.5904.26% $0.82029% 3.09%3.59% $0.6904.46% $0.86029% 3.59%
Pfd2LTRP-E TRP.PR.E CA87807B8758 2024OCT3004.91% $0.94042.41% $0.4604.16% $0.79030% 2.41%3.08% $0.5904.35% $0.83030% 3.08%3.59% $0.6804.51% $0.86030% 3.59%
NREMA-F EMA.PR.F CA2908768047 2025FEB1504.91% $1.05042.49% $0.5304.30% $0.92016% 2.49%3.08% $0.6604.45% $0.95016% 3.08%3.54% $0.7504.56% $0.97016% 3.54%
Pfd3PPL-I PPL.PR.I CA7063278062 2025DEC0104.68% $1.07553.71% $0.8504.58% $1.05008% 3.71%4.26% $0.9804.63% $1.06008% 4.26%4.69% $1.0804.68% $1.07008% 4.69%
Pfd3LCPX-A CPX.PR.A CA14042M3003 2025DEC3104.60% $0.65532.93% $0.4104.43% $0.63075% 2.93%3.83% $0.5404.52% $0.64075% 3.83%4.52% $0.6404.59% $0.65075% 4.52%
Pfd3HFTS-G FTS.PR.G CA3495538348 2023SEP0105.57% $1.10002.06% $0.4003.64% $0.71026% 2.06%2.71% $0.5303.99% $0.78026% 2.71%3.20% $0.6304.26% $0.84026% 3.20%
Pfd3HFTS-K FTS.PR.K CA3495537845 2024MAR0105.19% $0.98232.05% $0.3803.78% $0.71032% 2.05%2.72% $0.5104.08% $0.77032% 2.72%3.24% $0.6104.31% $0.81032% 3.24%
Pfd3HFTS-M FTS.PR.M CA3495537688 2024DEC0104.83% $0.98642.42% $0.4904.10% $0.83022% 2.42%3.05% $0.6204.29% $0.87022% 3.05%3.53% $0.7204.43% $0.90022% 3.53%
NREMA-C EMA.PR.C CA2908765076 2023AUG1505.27% $1.18002.40% $0.5303.69% $0.82011% 2.40%2.97% $0.6604.00% $0.89011% 2.97%3.41% $0.7604.24% $0.95011% 3.41%
Pfd3LALA-A ALA.PR.A CA0213612090 2025SEP3004.44% $0.773.13% $0.5404.26% $0.73044% 3.13%3.87% $0.6604.38% $0.75044% 3.87%4.44% $0.7604.46% $0.76045% 4.44%
NRNPI-A NPI.PR.A CA6665113081 2025SEP3004.39% $0.80043.15% $0.5704.20% $0.76037% 3.15%3.85% $0.7004.31% $0.78037% 3.85%4.39% $0.8 04.39% $0.80037% 4.39%
Pfd2HCU-I CU.PR.I CA1367176262 2025DEC0104.31% $1.12504.31% $1.1304.31% $1.12-4% 4.31%4.31% $1.1304.31% $1.12-4% 4.31%4.31% $1.1304.31% $1.12-4% 4.31%
Pfd3HBRF-A BRF.PR.A CA11283Q2062 2025APR3004.03% $0.78432.72% $0.5303.76% $0.73028% 2.72%3.38% $0.6503.89% $0.75028% 3.38%3.88% $0.7503.99% $0.77028% 3.88%
Pfd2HCU-C CU.PR.C CA1367176916 2022JUN0104.11% $0.85002.30% $0.4702.66% $0.55021% 2.30%2.92% $0.6003.15% $0.65021% 2.92%3.39% $0.7 03.53% $0.73021% 3.39%
Pfd2LTRP-G TRP.PR.G CA87807B8592 2025NOV3004.02% $0.83782.95% $0.6103.91% $0.81019% 2.95%3.56% $0.7403.97% $0.82019% 3.56%4.03% $0.8404.01% $0.83019% 4.03%
Pfd2HCIU-C CIU.PR.C CA22944C5028 2021JUN0103.84% $0.56001.47% $0.2101.47% $0.21070% 1.47%2.35% $0.3402.34% $0.34071% 2.35%3.01% $0.4403.01% $0.44071% 3.01%
Pfd2LTRP-C TRP.PR.C CA87807B6026 2026JAN3003.51% $0.48731.87% $0.2603.42% $0.47079% 1.87%2.79% $0.3803.47% $0.48080% 2.79%3.49% $0.4803.50% $0.48079% 3.49%
NREMA-A EMA.PR.A CA2908763097 2025AUG1503.38% $0.54552.08% $0.3303.18% $0.51055% 2.08%2.87% $0.4603.30% $0.53055% 2.87%3.47% $0.5603.39% $0.54054% 3.47%
Pfd3HFTS-H FTS.PR.H CA3495538264 2025JUN0103.28% $0.45881.70% $0.2302.96% $0.41078% 1.70%2.61% $0.3603.14% $0.44078% 2.61%3.30% $0.4603.28% $0.45078% 3.30%
Pfd2LTRP-B TRP.PR.B CA87807B4047 2025JUN3003.19% $0.41231.51% $0.1902.85% $0.36093% 1.51%2.50% $0.3203.05% $0.39093% 2.50%3.25% $0.4203.20% $0.41093% 3.25%