Compare Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares
Using the table below you can Compare Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares, issued by Canadian companies. We have included all shares offered by all companies across all sectors. These resets offer a guaranteed minimum yield at reset time. The minimum rate limits your downside risk while at the same time you get to participate on the upside if rates go up. A great holding for all investors looking for guaranteed yields. We present the information in an easy to view and understand format. As a result you can pick the right share to purchase or sell.
Compare Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares Process
This type of asset within the preferred share world is, in a way, unique. It offers the safety of a perpetual by providing a minimum fixed yield.
- Just like a perpetual you are guaranteed a set dividend. In this case the dividend is a minimum set at issue time. You can rest assured that no matter what the rate, you are going to receive the mimimum guaranteed dividend. In other words, your downside is defined and you can plan accordingly.
- Similar to a reset, it offers protection against inflation. If rates go up to the point where the 5Yr plus the spread exceeds the minimum, you will end up getting the higher yield. This is a great way to participate to the upside when interest rates move up.
I feel this type of share is one where you buy and forget. No matter what happens with interest rates you end up getting a fair deal at reset.
Sort the table on column “Fixed Rate Base” for easier parsing of the data. Check the Minimum rate and the spread over the 5Yr rate. Use “New Spread (%Increase | value)” to find the discount / premium currently assigned to it.
We expect each investor to review the various metrics, and make a determination on the totality of their values. While at the same time expressing their personal investing style. In other words we present you with the information and you make a choice you are comfortable with.
If you need more information on how to use the metrics below, see our how to YouTube video or our post how to pick the best preferred share of a company.
Table To Compare Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares
The following metrics are now only available on the premium version of this tool:
- Reset Date. The date of the upcoming reset for this issue. During the reset the new dividend will be determined by the issuer as outlined in the prospectus.
- Reset (Yield | Dividend).
- Blended (Yield | Dividend).
- Rate Change Percent.
- Rate Change To Value. This reflects the effect or the current price on the issue rate of the preferred. Here you see the percent increase/decrease of the new rate due to its drop or rise of its share value
- New Spread Change.
- New Spread Value.
- Short Position.
- Additional Features. A set of codes for additional features of the preferred share
- Years To Double Initial Investment.
- Outstanding float.
- Market Cap In Bilions.
- Common Stock P/E Ratio.
- Common Stock P/B Ratio.
- Common Stock Yield.