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How to Select a Preferred Share
How to Select a Preferred Share – for investors seeking exposure to high quality blue chip Canadian companies that pay attractive tax efficient income.
How to Withdraw Tax Free from your RRSP
How to withdraw tax free from your RRSP. Using a combination of the Dividend Tax Credit and the personal basic amount non-refundable credits you can avoid paying taxes on your RRSP withdrawals. The amount you can withdraw depends on the province you reside, other taxable income you have and the amount of dividend tax credit from your investments.
How to Earn up to $50K Tax Free in Canada
How to Earn up to $50K Tax Free in Canada. Depending on the province, it’s possible for an individual with no other sources of income to earn around $50,000 in dividends without paying any tax at all. This amount varies by province due to the make up of the Dividend Tax Credits.
List of Canadian Preferred Stocks
A List of Canadian Preferred Stocks. This list includes all preferreds issued in the Canadian market from all issuers. All types (fixed, perpetual, floating, etc) are included in this list. A portfolio of preferred shares can be used to provide the investor with a constant income from dividends. In addition preferreds provide diversification as needed.
List of Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares
List of Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares. This feature guarantees, the holder of the issue, a minimum yield at the next reset. So far this is only available with the 5 Year Resets. The List of Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares presented here is up today.
What is Better than an Annuity for Retirement
What is Better than an Annuity for Retirement. A simple investment option to provide you with dividend income while at the same time holding on to your original capital. A Canadian Perpetual Preferred stock from an insurance or bank will do the trick. Pick an issuer with a credit rating of Pfd-1 or Pfd-2 for greater security and minimum default risk.
List of split-share corporations
A list of split-share corporations. This list includes all Canadian split-share corporations issued in the Canadian market from all issuers.
List of Dividend 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares
This article provides you with a List of Dividend 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares. This list is updated on a regular basis. Consequently, new issues appear and redeemed issues are removed. All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. Information is presented in an easy, to view and understand format.
List of Canadian Banc Split Corp Preferred Shares
This article provides you with a List of Canadian Banc Split Corp Preferred Shares. This list is updated on a regular basis. Consequently, new issues appear and redeemed issues are removed. All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. Information is presented in an easy, to view and understand format.
List of Financial 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares
This article provides you with a List of Financial 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares. This list is updated on a regular basis. Consequently, new issues appear and redeemed issues are removed. All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. Information is presented in an easy, to view and understand format.
List of TDb Split Corp Preferred Shares
This article provides you with aList of List of TDb Split Corp Preferred Shares Preferred Shares. This list is updated on a regular basis. Consequently, new issues appear and redeemed issues are removed. All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. Information is presented in an easy, to view and understand format.
Latest News
How to Select a Preferred Share
How to Select a Preferred Share – for investors seeking exposure to high quality blue chip Canadian companies that pay attractive tax efficient income.
How to Withdraw Tax Free from your RRSP
How to withdraw tax free from your RRSP. Using a combination of the Dividend Tax Credit and the personal basic amount non-refundable credits you can avoid paying taxes on your RRSP withdrawals. The amount you can withdraw depends on the province you reside, other taxable income you have and the amount of dividend tax credit from your investments.
How to Earn up to $50K Tax Free in Canada
How to Earn up to $50K Tax Free in Canada. Depending on the province, it’s possible for an individual with no other sources of income to earn around $50,000 in dividends without paying any tax at all. This amount varies by province due to the make up of the Dividend Tax Credits.
List of Canadian Preferred Stocks
A List of Canadian Preferred Stocks. This list includes all preferreds issued in the Canadian market from all issuers. All types (fixed, perpetual, floating, etc) are included in this list. A portfolio of preferred shares can be used to provide the investor with a constant income from dividends. In addition preferreds provide diversification as needed.
List of Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares
List of Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares. This feature guarantees, the holder of the issue, a minimum yield at the next reset. So far this is only available with the 5 Year Resets. The List of Minimum Rate Reset Preferred Shares presented here is up today.
What is Better than an Annuity for Retirement
What is Better than an Annuity for Retirement. A simple investment option to provide you with dividend income while at the same time holding on to your original capital. A Canadian Perpetual Preferred stock from an insurance or bank will do the trick. Pick an issuer with a credit rating of Pfd-1 or Pfd-2 for greater security and minimum default risk.
List of split-share corporations
A list of split-share corporations. This list includes all Canadian split-share corporations issued in the Canadian market from all issuers.
List of Dividend 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares
This article provides you with a List of Dividend 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares. This list is updated on a regular basis. Consequently, new issues appear and redeemed issues are removed. All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. Information is presented in an easy, to view and understand format.
List of Canadian Banc Split Corp Preferred Shares
This article provides you with a List of Canadian Banc Split Corp Preferred Shares. This list is updated on a regular basis. Consequently, new issues appear and redeemed issues are removed. All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. Information is presented in an easy, to view and understand format.
List of Financial 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares
This article provides you with a List of Financial 15 Split Corp Preferred Shares. This list is updated on a regular basis. Consequently, new issues appear and redeemed issues are removed. All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. Information is presented in an easy, to view and understand format.
