About Canadian Preferred Shares
Welcome to your one stop portal for all information and tools regarding Canadian Preferred Shares. This site provides all pertinent information to educate and help you make the right decisions when it comes to:
- The purchase or sale of Canadian Preferred Shares.
- Gaining insight of your portfolio through data analytics.
This is the only site dedicated solely to Canadian Preferred Shares and provides the investor with free tools to identify mispriced shares, compare preferreds and evaluate opportunities.
We have been investing in Canadian Peferred’s for some time. During this time we discovered that information and tools to make the right dicesions was not freely available. Throughout our investing we have been created our own tools and gathering valuable information.
This website was created to help the average investor get all the information they need. In addition our tools will provide you with the metrics you need to make educated decisions.

About Canadian Preferred Shares
Provide the average investor with the knowledge, up to date information, latest trends, data and tools to select the best preferreds to purchase or sell today.
Today it’s hard for investors to easily navigate the preferreds market. We intend to make it easy for anyone to participate in the market, because we believe the benefits are great for all investors looking for a steady stream of income.
Without tools like the ones we provide here, its simply not possible to make an educated decision, thus keeping most individual investors away. Our tools provide an overall view, a holistic view, of the preferreds market. With a few clicks you can easily locate today’s best preferreds within a sector/category or across the whole market.
Mispriced preferreds exist only due to the lack of an overall market view. You can easily identify these preferreds with most of our tools.
Professional investors use similar tools to make their decisions. Collecting and crunching the data on a daily basis is a must. We are software developers by trade, and also individual investors. This project provided us with the opportunity to marry the two sets of skills. Over the years we have developed our own custom software, and offer it to all investors for free. Contrary to institutional investors we believe all individual investors (just like us) should get a fair deal.
Using these tools will make you a better investor while providing you with better returns. It certainly helped us make better decisions. We have been developing these tools for a while and with time we noticed how much easier it was to pick the best share at that time.
Increased participation of individual investors in the Canadian Preferred Share market. With more participants the market will function better, liquidity will increase and pricing will be closer to true value. This will be a win for all investors.
Information and tools available.
Canadian preferred shares primer.
Our blog contains a number of articles explaining how preferreds work, the type of preferreds available in the Canadian market, explanation of the various rating agencies, and much more.
Daily market review and data analytics. State of the market on a single page. All metrics you could ever need to understand the current state of the Canadian Preferreds Stock Market.
Tax advantages of holding canadian preferreds.
Articles and sample calcuations explaining the tax advatages of holding preferreds in your investment accounts.
Tool to Compare all preferreds of an issuer.
Allows you to compare all preferreds issued by a Canadian company. Using this tool you can located mispriced shares. This is a great way to pick the best issue from the same issuer.
Tools to rank resets across issuers.
Based on the latest information available, these tools will rank all reset preferred’s in our database and provide you with the best shares to purchase. You have the ability to either rank all reset’s or subgroups by credit rating. All variations can be found at Rank Resets
Tools to rank perpetuals across issuers.
Based on the latest information available these tools will rank all perpetual preferred’s in our database and provide you with the best shares to purchase. Using the tools you can rank all perpetual’s or subgroups by credit rating. All variations can be found here. Rank Perpetuals
Tools to rank preferreds across issuers by sector.
Using the tools you can rank all preferreds by sector or category. Some of the most common are banking , insurance and green energy. Rank By Sector provides all variations available to work with.
Portfolio Data Analytics
Gain insight of your preferred shares portfolio. Our portfolio tool will provide metrics and statistics of your all holdings across all of your accounts.
Once you enter all your account holdings for each account this tool will provide statistics and metrics by account , group of accounts (Registered, Investment, TFSA) and Portfolio level. Reports like, holdings with metrics by (issuer / credit rating / share type / etc) within the selected set.
Additional insights provided, include laddering and monthly dividend income expected. Use the portfolio tool to identify if and how you should be re balancing. Our other tools help you pick the best stock while this tool helps you identify the type of stock you should be looking for. Portfolio tool is currently under limited release.
