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Compare Preferred's Of Green Energy Utilities

Using this table you can compare all the preferred shares issued by the Green Energy Canadian Utilities.  These companies produce at least 50% of their power from renewable resources such as hydro, wind and solar.  Most utilities have a growing renewable power segment as they begin to shift away from fossil fuels. For a utility to be included in this list, it must produce over 50% of their power from renewable sources. We also want to point out those companies with a 100% renewable power generation in the following list:

  • Innergex Renewable Power

All types of preferred’s are included (perpetual, fixed, floating) in one table. The information is presented in an easy to understand format. This way you can pick the right share to purchase or sell. As with any other investment decision, the same metrics should be used.  Each investor has a unique selection process and looks at the same metric differently.

  1. Some investors looking for high yield over the next 5 years will put more emphasis on the “Blended Yield” metric.
  2. More weight should be given to the “Rating” metric if you are looking for the highest credit worthy issues.
  3. Good value is indicated by metric “rate increase percent”.  This also highlights the stocks with the most room for capital gains if rates start going up.

We expect each investor to review the various metrics and make a determination on the totality of their values while at the same time expressing their personal investing style. If you need more information on how to use the metrics below, see our how to YouTube video  or our post how to pick the best preferred share of a company.


(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2024-Jun-28 17:05, Model Metrics 2024-Jun-28 17:07
Credit RatingSymbolPrice52W High52W Low
Fixed Rate Baseyield and dividend for the current issue based on last night’s closing stock price
Current (Yield Dividend)
Reset (Yield Dividend)yield and dividend for the current issue after the upcoming reset
Blended (Yield Dividend)follow link passed the end of the table to see definition
Yield To CallReset Date Y/M/DPay Div DateEx Div DateRate Change percentRate Change to valueNew Spread valueShort PositionAdditional FeaturesConverts ToYears To Double Initial InvestmentP/E RatioMarket Cap In BillionsP/B RatioCommon Stock YieldProjected Common Stock YieldOutstanding FloatName
NRINE-C INE.PR.C CA45790B7088 $18.58$21.46$16.80PERPETUAL @ 5.75%07.75% $1.4400N/A07.75% $1.440016.43%perpetual2024-07-142024-09-27034%7.74%N/A200 Cumulative9.278#N/A2.04 B1.707.04%0.00%2,000,000Innergex_Renewable_Power_Series_C_Perpetual
Pfd3HBEP-R BEP.PR.R G16258264 $18.65$18.71$14.99PERPETUAL @ 5.50%07.37% $1.3750N/A07.37% $1.375016.00%perpetual2024-07-302024-07-15034%7.37%N/A598 Cumulative DTCEPI9.741#N/Anull1.543.78%0.00%6,000,000Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.5%,_Series_18
Pfd3HBRF-E BRF.PR.E CA11283Q6022 $17.81$18.10$14.82PERPETUAL @ 5.00%07.02% $1.2500N/A07.02% $1.250017.04%perpetual2024-07-302024-07-12040%7.02%N/A3,878 Cumulative10.21#N/Anull1.543.78%0.00%7,000,000Brookfield_Renewable_Power_Preferred_Equity_5.00%,_Series_5
Pfd3HBRF-F BRF.PR.F CA11283Q7012 $17.90$18.10$14.81PERPETUAL @ 5.00%06.98% $1.2500N/A06.98% $1.250016.86%perpetual2024-07-302024-07-12039%6.98%N/A13,412 Cumulative10.27#N/Anull1.543.78%0.00%7,000,000Brookfield_Renewable_Power_Preferred_Equity_5.00%,_Series_6
NRCSE-A CSE.PR.A CA14069Q5077 $13.40$13.83$11.285YR + 2.71%06.90% $0.925511.62% | $1.557209.49% $1.27 9@cy+11@ry33.82%2026-07-312024-07-302024-07-15086%11.6%5.05%14 Cumulative10.38     3,000,000Capstone_Infrastructure_Corp._3.271%,_Series_A
NRINE-A INE.PR.A CA45790B5009 $13.80$13.85$11.155YR + 2.79%05.87% $0.810811.43% | $1.577209.48% $1.30 7@cy+13@ry42.67%2026-01-152024-07-142024-09-27080%11.4%5.05%21 Cumulative12.15#N/A2.04 B1.707.04%0.00%3,400,000Innergex_Renewable_Energy_Inc._3.608%
Pfd3HBRF-A BRF.PR.A CA11283Q2062 $17.46$18.27$14.155YR + 2.62%04.49% $0.784308.79% | $1.534707.93% $1.38 4@cy+16@ryN/A2025-04-302024-07-302024-07-12043%8.79%3.75%13,573 CumulativeBRF-B15.78#N/Anull1.543.78%0.00%8,249,391Brookfield_Renewable_Power_3.355%,_Series_1
NRNPI-A NPI.PR.A CA6665113081 $17.30$17.83$13.705YR + 2.80%04.62% $0.800409.13% | $1.579707.77% $1.34 6@cy+14@ry32.91%2025-09-302024-06-302024-09-19044%9.13%4.04%3,094 CumulativeNPI-B15.34#N/A5.98 B1.295.10%0.00%4,762,246Northland_Power_Inc._3.51%,_Series_2
Pfd3LAQN-D AQN.PR.D CA0158575013 $22.30$23.32$18.015YR + 3.28%07.68% $1.713307.62% | $1.699707.68% $1.71 20@cy+0@ry9.64%2029-03-312024-07-012024-09-12012%7.62%3.67%3,623 Cumulative9.35913.335.52 B1.215.37%6.07%4,000,000Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp._Cumulative_Rate_Reset_Preferred_Shares_Series_D
Pfd3LAQN-A AQN.PR.A CA0158573034 $21.49$23.38$17.975YR + 2.94%07.65% $1.644007.51% | $1.614707.64% $1.64 19@cy+1@ry10.43%2028-12-312024-07-012024-09-12016%7.51%3.41%171,852 Cumulative9.39413.335.52 B1.215.37%6.07%4,800,000Algonquin_Power_&_Utilities_Corp.Cumulative_Rate_Reset_Preferred_Shares_Series_A
Pfd3HBRF-C BRF.PR.C CA11283Q4043 $20.83$21.18$16.115YR + 2.94%05.22% $1.088007.75% | $1.614707.62% $1.58 1@cy+19@ryN/A2024-07-312024-07-302024-07-15020%7.75%3.52%15,865 Cumulative13.62#N/Anull1.543.78%0.00%9,961,399Brookfield_Renewable_Power_4.40%,_Series_3
Pfd3HBEP-M BEP.PR.M BMG162584053 $20.49$21.29$15.765YR + 3.00% Min_5.0%07.38% $1.512507.95% | $1.629707.49% $1.53 16@cy+4@ry11.82%2028-04-302024-07-302024-07-12021%7.95%3.66%5,603 Cumulative DTCEPI9.727#N/Anull1.543.78%0.00%10,000,000Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.00%,_Series_13
Pfd3HBEP-G BEP.PR.G BMG162581323 $24.28$24.53$17.555YR + 4.47% Min_5.5%05.66% $1.375008.22% | $1.997207.32% $1.77 7@cy+13@ry7.42%2026-01-312024-07-302024-07-12003%8.23%4.60%5,646 Cumulative DTCEPI12.58#N/Anull1.543.78%0.00%7,000,000Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.50%,_Series_7

Reset Scenarios Based on Various G.O.C. 5 Year Bond Yield Rates

The following table presents 6 scenarios, of the issues resetting based on different 5 Year Bond rates. Each scenario consists of 3 columns and grouped by color. The rates assumed for the reset are as follows:
  • Scenario 1: 5YR GOC Rate is set at -0.5%
  • Scenario 2: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 0.01%
  • Scenario 3: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 0.4%
  • Scenario 4: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 0.8%
  • Scenario 5: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 1.2%
  • Scenario 6: 5YR GOC Rate is set at 1.6%

For more information please review our video and/or post. Links available at the bottom of the page

Rank Preferreds - Compare Reset Scenarios

Last Updated: Market Data Dec-31 18:04, Model Metrics Dec-31 18:11
Credit RatingSymbolReset Date Y/M/DFixed Rate BaseCurrent (Yield | Dividend)
5Yr @ -0.5%. Reset (Yield | Dividend)Scenario: 1 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ -0.5%.
5Yr @ -0.5%. Blended (Yield | Dividend)5Yr @ -0.5%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 0.01%. Reset (Yield | Dividend)Scenario: 2 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 0.01%.
5Yr @ 0.01%. Blended (Yield | Dividend)5Yr @ 0.01%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 0.4%. Reset (Yield | Dividend)Scenario: 3 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 0.4%.
5Yr @ 0.4%. Blended (Yield | Dividend)5Yr @ 0.4%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 0.8%. Reset (Yield | Dividend)Scenario: 4 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 0.8%.
5Yr @ 0.8%. Blended (Yield | Dividend)5Yr @ 0.8%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 1.2%. Reset (Yield | Dividend)Scenario: 5 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 1.2%.
5Yr @ 1.2%. Blended (Yield | Dividend)5Yr @ 1.2%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
5Yr @ 1.6%. Reset (Yield | Dividend)Scenario: 6 yield and dividend based on GOC 5yr Rate of 5Yr @ 1.6%.
5Yr @ 1.6%. Blended (Yield | Dividend)5Yr @ 1.6%. Rate Increase (percent | to value )
NRCSE-A CSE.PR.A CA14069Q5077 2021JUL315YR + 2.71%06.92% | $0.81764.67% | $0.5504.90% | $0.57111% | 4.67%5.75% | $0.6805.86% | $0.69111% | 5.75%6.58% | $0.7706.61% | $0.78112% | 6.58%7.42% | $0.8707.37% | $0.87111% | 7.42%8.27% | $0.9708.13% | $0.96112% | 8.27%9.12% | $1.0808.91% | $1.05112% | 9.12%
Pfd3HBRF-C BRF.PR.C CA11283Q4043 2024JUL315YR + 2.94%06.20% | $1.08763.48% | $0.6105.38% | $0.94042% | 3.48%4.20% | $0.7305.59% | $0.98042% | 4.20%4.76% | $0.8305.76% | $1.01042% | 4.76%5.33% | $0.9305.93% | $1.04042% | 5.33%5.90% | $1.0406.11% | $1.07042% | 5.90%6.47% | $1.1406.28% | $1.10042% | 6.47%
Pfd3HBEP-O BEP.PR.O BMG162582156 2024APR305YR MIN 5.75% + 3.49%05.68% | $1.43755.68% | $1.4405.68% | $1.43-1% | 5.68%5.68% | $1.4405.68% | $1.43-1% | 5.68%5.68% | $1.4405.68% | $1.43-1% | 5.68%5.68% | $1.4405.68% | $1.43-1% | 5.68%5.68% | $1.4405.68% | $1.43-1% | 5.68%5.68% | $1.4405.68% | $1.43-1% | 5.68%
Pfd3HBEP-I BEP.PR.I BMG162581653 2021JUL315YR MIN 5.75% + 5.01%05.69% | $1.43605.69% | $1.4405.70% | $1.43-1% | 5.69%5.69% | $1.4405.70% | $1.43-1% | 5.69%5.69% | $1.4405.70% | $1.43-1% | 5.69%5.75% | $1.4505.73% | $1.44-1% | 5.75%6.15% | $1.5506.09% | $1.53-0% | 6.15%6.54% | $1.6506.44% | $1.62-1% | 6.54%
NRINE-A INE.PR.A CA45790B5009 2021JAN155YR + 2.79%06.24% | $0.90203.96% | $0.5703.96% | $0.57072% | 3.96%4.84% | $0.7 04.84% | $0.7 072% | 4.84%5.52% | $0.7905.51% | $0.79073% | 5.52%6.21% | $0.8906.21% | $0.89073% | 6.21%6.90% | $0.9906.90% | $0.99072% | 6.90%7.59% | $1.1007.60% | $1.1 072% | 7.59%
Pfd3HBEP-G BEP.PR.G BMG162581323 2021JAN315YR MIN 5.5% + 4.47%05.48% | $1.37605.48% | $1.3805.49% | $1.38-0% | 5.48%5.48% | $1.3805.49% | $1.38-0% | 5.48%5.48% | $1.3805.49% | $1.38-0% | 5.48%5.48% | $1.3805.49% | $1.38-0% | 5.48%5.65% | $1.4205.65% | $1.42-0% | 5.65%6.04% | $1.5206.05% | $1.52-0% | 6.04%
Pfd3LAQN-A AQN.PR.A CA0158573034 2023DEC315YR + 2.94%06.42% | $1.293.04% | $0.6104.89% | $0.98024% | 3.04%3.67% | $0.7305.18% | $1.04024% | 3.67%4.16% | $0.8305.40% | $1.08024% | 4.16%4.65% | $0.9305.62% | $1.13024% | 4.65%5.15% | $1.0405.86% | $1.17024% | 5.15%5.65% | $1.1406.08% | $1.22024% | 5.65%
NRNPI-C NPI.PR.C CA6665116050 2022DEC315YR + 3.46%06.37% | $1.27003.71% | $0.7404.64% | $0.92025% | 3.71%4.35% | $0.8605.05% | $1.00025% | 4.35%4.84% | $0.9605.37% | $1.07025% | 4.84%5.34% | $1.0705.71% | $1.14025% | 5.34%5.84% | $1.1706.04% | $1.20025% | 5.84%6.34% | $1.2706.36% | $1.27025% | 6.34%
Pfd3LAQN-D AQN.PR.D CA0158575013 2024MAR315YR + 3.28%06.01% | $1.273.28% | $0.6904.91% | $1.04018% | 3.28%3.89% | $0.8205.15% | $1.09018% | 3.89%4.35% | $0.9205.33% | $1.13018% | 4.35%4.82% | $1.0205.52% | $1.17018% | 4.82%5.29% | $1.1205.71% | $1.21018% | 5.29%5.76% | $1.2205.90% | $1.25018% | 5.76%
Pfd3HBEP-M BEP.PR.M BMG162584053 2023APR305YR MIN 5.0% + 3.00%05.17% | $1.25205.16% | $1.2505.16% | $1.25003% | 5.16%5.16% | $1.2505.16% | $1.25003% | 5.16%5.16% | $1.2505.16% | $1.25003% | 5.16%5.16% | $1.2505.16% | $1.25003% | 5.16%5.16% | $1.2505.16% | $1.25003% | 5.16%5.16% | $1.2505.16% | $1.25003% | 5.16%
Pfd3HBEP-K BEP.PR.K BMG162581992 2022APR305YR MIN 5.0% + 3.28%05.14% | $1.25205.14% | $1.2505.13% | $1.25002% | 5.14%5.14% | $1.2505.13% | $1.25002% | 5.14%5.14% | $1.2505.13% | $1.25002% | 5.14%5.14% | $1.2505.13% | $1.25002% | 5.14%5.14% | $1.2505.13% | $1.25002% | 5.14%5.14% | $1.2505.13% | $1.25002% | 5.14%
Pfd3HBRF-A BRF.PR.A CA11283Q2062 2025APR305YR + 2.62%05.13% | $0.78433.46% | $0.5304.87% | $0.74063% | 3.46%4.30% | $0.6505.00% | $0.76063% | 4.30%4.93% | $0.7505.09% | $0.77063% | 4.93%5.59% | $0.8505.19% | $0.79063% | 5.59%6.24% | $0.9505.29% | $0.80063% | 6.24%6.90% | $1.0605.39% | $0.82063% | 6.90%
NRNPI-A NPI.PR.A CA6665113081 2025SEP305YR + 2.80%04.95% | $0.80043.56% | $0.5704.81% | $0.77054% | 3.56%4.34% | $0.7004.88% | $0.79054% | 4.34%4.95% | $0.8 04.94% | $0.80054% | 4.95%5.57% | $0.9 05.01% | $0.81054% | 5.57%6.18% | $1 05.07% | $0.82054% | 6.18%6.80% | $1.1 05.13% | $0.83054% | 6.80%

This sector will only keep growing as more and more utilities make the transition to green energy generation. The green energy market is currently worth over 10 Trillion.

For more information on Green Mutual Funds and Green Investing see the eco market

Additional Information

Here are a few interesting videos on Green Enegry Utilities.

  1. Good overview video of the sector.