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List of Canadian Perpetual Preferred Shares

List of Canadian Perpetual Preferred Shares -

List of Canadian Perpetual Preferred Shares -

Here is a List of Canadian Perpetual Preferred Shares. This list includes all the perpetual preferreds we track on our website. Minimal information for each  preferred is included in the table since this is meant to only show what perpetuals are available in the Canadian Market Today. The list is kept up to date, reflecting any additions / deletions made by issuing companies. To clarify, our website provides daily updates to all preferreds, therefore at any time, you can see Today’s list of available perpetuals in the Table  below. However, to see how all perpetuals have been ranked based on their yield go to Ranking All Perpetuals. 


Why you should hold Canadian Perpetual Preferred Shares

Perpetuals offer a fixed dividend for the life of the preferred. This is income you can count on for as long as you hold the shares. Interest rate fluctuations have no effect on the dividend, this remain steady. Rates have an inverse relation to the yield offered by the peprpetuals, but if you plan to keep the shares for the income then it does not affect you.  Once you purchase the perpetual you should only go back once a year or so to check out the status of the issuer, making sure it’s still ok to hold the shares.

List of Canadian Perpetual Preferred Shares Available Today

We have done all the legwork, therefore saving you time and making the selection process faster. Consequently the only task left for you is picking the right preferred.  Each day we update the data model with the latest information for each preferred. As a result, this table is always reflecting today’s highest yielding preferred.

For you, selecting the appropriate perpetual issue does not get any easier. As with all of the tools we provide in this site, the definition of the metrics “Table columns” is presented in a separate article Ranking Table Column Information.

(EST: UTC-05:00)Last Updated: Market Data 2025-Mar-21 16:35, Model Metrics 2025-Mar-21 17:05
SymbolCredit RatingFixed Rate BaseDividend AmountIssue Name
BBD-C BBD.PR.C CA0977517055 NRPERPETUAL @ 6.25%$0.3900Bombardier_Inc._6.25%,_Series_4
BEP-R BEP.PR.R G16258264 Pfd3HPERPETUAL @ 5.50%$0.3438Brookfield_Renewable_Partners_L.P._5.5%,_Series_18
MIC-A MIC.PR.A CA786688309 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.40%$0.3375SAGEN_MI_CANADA_INC._Class_A_Preferred_Shares,_Series_1_
BRF-F BRF.PR.F CA11283Q7012 Pfd3HPERPETUAL @ 5.00%$0.3125Brookfield_Renewable_Power_Preferred_Equity_5.00%,_Series_6
BRF-E BRF.PR.E CA11283Q6022 Pfd3HPERPETUAL @ 5.00%$0.3125Brookfield_Renewable_Power_Preferred_Equity_5.00%,_Series_5
BN.PF.D BN.PF.D CA11271J7437 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 4.90%$0.3060Brookfield_Asset_Management_Inc._4.90%,_Series_37
BN.PF.C BN.PF.C CA11271J7502 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 4.85%$0.3030Brookfield_Asset_Management_Inc._4.85%,_Series_36
ELF-H ELF.PR.H CA26857Q5077 NRPERPETUAL @ 5.52%$0.3450E-L_Financial_Corp._5.50%,_Series_3
BN-M BN.PR.M CA11271J7015 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 4.75%$0.2970Brookfield_Asset_Management_Inc._4.75%,_Series_17
BN-N BN.PR.N CA11271J8005 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 4.75%$0.2970Brookfield_Asset_Management_Inc._4.75%,_Series_18
ELF-F ELF.PR.F CA26857Q3098 NRPERPETUAL @ 5.32%$0.3325E-L_Financial_Corp._5.30%,_Series_1
PWF-G PWF.PR.G CA73927C8786 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.90%$0.3700Power_Financial_Corp._5.90%,_Series_F
PWF-R PWF.PR.R CA73927C7531 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.50%$0.3450Power_Financial_Corp._5.50%,_Series_R
POW-A POW.PR.A CA7392398870 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 5.60%$0.3500Power_Corp_of_Canada_5.60%,_Series_A
PWF-H PWF.PR.H CA73927C8604 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.75%$0.3600Power_Financial_Corp._5.75%,_Series_H
POW-G POW.PR.G CA7392398532 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 5.60%$0.3500Power_Corp_of_Canada_5.60%,_Series_G
ELF-G ELF.PR.G CA26857Q4088 NRPERPETUAL @ 4.76%$0.2975E-L_Financial_Corp._4.75%,_Series_2
POW-C POW.PR.C CA7392398797 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 5.80%$0.3625Power_Corp_of_Canada_5.80%,_Series_C
ENB-A ENB.PR.A CA29250N2041 Pfd3HPERPETUAL @ 5.50%$0.3438Enbridge_Perpetual_5.50%_Cumulative_Redeemable_Preference_Shares,_Series_A
PWF-E PWF.PR.E CA73927C8034 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.50%$0.3450Power_Financial_Corp._5.50%,_Series_D
PWF-O PWF.PR.O CA73927C7879 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.80%$0.3625Power_Financial_Corp._5.80%,_Series_O
PWF-L PWF.PR.L CA73927C8299 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.10%$0.3200Power_Financial_Corp._5.10%,_Series_L
POW-B POW.PR.B CA7392398045 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 5.35%$0.3350Power_Corp_of_Canada_5.35%,_Series_B
WN-A WN.PR.A CA9611488896 Pfd3PERPETUAL @ 5.80%$0.3625George_Weston_Ltd._5.80%,_Series_I
GWO-M GWO.PR.M CA39138C8170 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.80%$0.3625Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.80%,_Series_M
PWF-Z PWF.PR.Z CA73927C7127 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.15%$0.3225Power_Financial_Corp._5.15%,_Series_V
PWF-F PWF.PR.F CA73927C8869 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.25%$0.3275Power_Financial_Corp._5.25%,_Series_E
PWF-K PWF.PR.K CA73927C8372 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.95%$0.3100Power_Financial_Corp._4.95%,_Series_K
PWF-S PWF.PR.S CA73927C7465 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.80%$0.3000Power_Financial_Corp._4.80%,_Series_S
CU-D CU.PR.D CA1367176759 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 4.90%$0.3075Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.90%,_Series_AA
CU-E CU.PR.E CA1367176676 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 4.90%$0.3075Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.90%,_Series_BB
POW-D POW.PR.D CA7392398615 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 5.00%$0.3125Power_Corp_of_Canada_5.00%,_Series_D
GWO-Q GWO.PR.Q CA39138C7677 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.15%$0.3225Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.15%,_Series_Q
CIU-A CIU.PR.A CA22944C2058 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 4.60%$0.2875CU_Inc_4.6%_Series_1
INE-C INE.PR.C CA45790B7088 NRPERPETUAL @ 5.75%$0.3600Innergex_Renewable_Power_Series_C_Perpetual
GWO-L GWO.PR.L CA39138C8253 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.65%$0.3525Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.65%,_Series_L
GWO-R GWO.PR.R CA39138C7594 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.80%$0.3000Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.80%,_Series_R
EMA-L EMA.PR.L CA2908768203 Pfd3HPERPETUAL @ 4.60%$0.2875Cumulative_Minimum_Rate_Reset_First_Preferred_Shares,_Series_L
WN-C WN.PR.C CA9611488631 Pfd3PERPETUAL @ 5.20%$0.3250George_Weston_Ltd._5.20%,_Series_III
WN-D WN.PR.D CA9611488557 Pfd3PERPETUAL @ 5.20%$0.3250George_Weston_Ltd._5.20%,_Series_IV
GWO-H GWO.PR.H CA39138C8741 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.85%$0.3025Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.85%,_Series_H
GWO-T GWO.PR.T CA39138C7263 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.15%$0.3225Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.15%,_Series_T
IFC-I IFC.PR.I CA45823T8582 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 5.40%$0.3375Non-Cumulative_Class_A_Shares,_Series_9
GWO-S GWO.PR.S CA39138C7347 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.25%$0.3275Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.25%,_Series_S
PWF.PF.A PWF.PF.A CA73927C1187 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.28134.50%_Non-Cumulative_First_Preferred_Shares,_Series_23
EMA-E EMA.PR.E CA2908767056 Pfd3HPERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.2813Cumulative_Emera_Inc._4.50%,_Series_E
GWO-P GWO.PR.P CA39138C7750 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.40%$0.3375Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.40%,_Series_P
GWO-G GWO.PR.G CA39138C8824 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 5.20%$0.3250Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._5.20%,_Series__G
GWO-Y GWO.PR.Y CA39138C6927 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.2813Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.5%,_Series_Y
IFC-F IFC.PR.F CA45823T8822 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 5.30%$0.3325Intact_Financial_Corp._5.30%,_Series_6
CU-G CU.PR.G CA1367176429 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.2813Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.50%,_Series_DD
CU-H CU.PR.H CA1367176346 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 5.25%$0.3275Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._5.25%,_Series_EE
CU-F CU.PR.F CA1367176593 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.2813Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.50%,_Series_CC
CU-J CU.PR.J CA136717592 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 4.75%$0.2970Canadian_Utilities_Ltd._4.75%,_Series_HH
GWO-I GWO.PR.I CA39138C8667 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.2813Great-West_Lifeco_Inc._4.50%,_Series_I
MFC-B MFC.PR.B CA56501R4035 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.65%$0.2910Manulife_Financial_Corp_4.65%_Non-cumulative_Class_A_Shares,_Series_2
IFC-K IFC.PR.K CA45823T8178 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 5.25%$0.3281Non-Cumulative_Class_A_Shares,_Series_11
WN-E WN.PR.E CA9611488482 Pfd3PERPETUAL @ 4.75%$0.2975George_Weston_Ltd._4.75%,_Series_v
CCS-C CCS.PR.C CA1899064077 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 5.00%$0.2875Co-operators_General_Insurance_Co._5.00%,_Series_C
MFC-C MFC.PR.C CA56501R5024 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.2825Manulife_Financial_Corp._4.50%,_Series_3
IFC-E IFC.PR.E CA45823T8095 Pfd2PERPETUAL @ 5.20%$0.3250Intact_Financial_Corp._5.20%,_Series_5
FTS-J FTS.PR.J CA3495537928 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 4.75%$0.2975Fortis_Inc._4.75%,_Series_J
FTS-F FTS.PR.F CA3495538678 Pfd2LPERPETUAL @ 4.90%$0.3075Fortis_Inc._4.90%,_Series_F
SLF-E SLF.PR.E CA8667966003 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.50%$0.2825Sun_Life_Financial_Inc._4.50%,_Series_5
SLF-D SLF.PR.D CA8667965013 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.45%$0.2775Sun_Life_Financial_Inc._4.45%,_Series_4
SLF-C SLF.PR.C CA8667964024 Pfd2HPERPETUAL @ 4.45%$0.2775Sun_Life_Financial_Inc._4.45%,_Series_3
RY-N RY.PR.N CA78013J4550 Pfd1LPERPETUAL @ 4.90%$0.3075Royal Bank of Canada 4.90%, Series BH - NVC
RY-O RY.PR.O CA78013K6016 Pfd1LPERPETUAL @ 4.90%$0.3075Royal_Bank_of_Canada_4.90%,_Series_BI_-_NVC

Canadian Preferred Shares – Mission

Our mission is to provide the average investor with the knowledge, up to date information, latest trends, data and tools to select the best preferreds to purchase or sell today.

Without tools like the ones we provide here, its simply not possible to make an educated decision, thus keeping most individual investors away. Our tools provide an overall view, of the preferreds market. With a few clicks you can easily locate today’s best preferreds within a sector/category or across the whole market.

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